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Productivity and Diversity Analysis of the Broadleaf Secondary Forest at the Mt. Show-Chu in Hue-Sun Forest Station
作者 蔡尚惪呂金誠歐辰雄李明益
生產力與歧異度為林業經營的重要評準,本研究以林分蓄積和種豐富度指數等二項指標,探討惠蓀林場小出山闊葉樹次生林,從過去經營施業後至今植群動態變化概況。結果顯示:1983至1977年間經三種處理的闊葉樹次生林,其每公頃材積增加40-50m3,顯示闊葉樹次生林即使未經任何處理,然因自我調節能力亦可調整適當之立木株數,使其材積增加,且比疏伐處理的樣區具有較高之生產力。而就Shannon訊息統計指數、Berger豐富度指數、McIntosh豐富度指數、Simpson豐富度指數、Shannon均勻度指數與均勻度指數等分析結果而言,1983至1997年之三種處理並無顯著差異,然Q統計值因具有高度之區別力,而可檢測其差異性,顯示不同處理對闊葉樹次生林植群之歧異度仍具影響,然植群內之種數與個體數更迭的演替機制,尚待深入探討。 Productivity and diversity are important criteria of forest management. The purpose of the study is via the two indices of stand growing stock and species abundance indices to discuss the vegetation dynamic of the broad leaf secondary forest at the Mt. Show-Chu in Hue-Sun Forest Station. The volume of the broadleaf secondary forest increased about 40 to 50 m3 per hectare from 1983 to 1997. It revealed even without any treatment, the ability of self-regularity of the broadleaf secondary forest would control suitable population density and show higher productivity than that of thinning treatment. There is no significant difference based on the results of Shannon information statistic index. Berger. McIntosh and Simpson abundance indices. Shannon and McIntosh evenness indices from 1983 to 1997 expect that of Q statistic value. It revealed that different treatment would effect the diversity of broadleaf secondary forest. However, the reasons of 1he succession function between species and individuals of vegetation need further Studies.
Productivity and diversity are important criteria of forest management. The purpose of the study is via the two indices of stand growing stock and species abundance indices to discuss the vegetation dynamic of the broad leaf secondary forest at the Mt. Show-Chu in Hue-Sun Forest Station. The volume of the broadleaf secondary forest increased about 40 to 50 m3 per hectare from 1983 to 1997. It revealed even without any treatment, the ability of self-regularity of the broadleaf secondary forest would control suitable population density and show higher productivity than that of thinning treatment. There is no significant difference based on the results of Shannon information statistic index. Berger. McIntosh and Simpson abundance indices. Shannon and McIntosh evenness indices from 1983 to 1997 expect that of Q statistic value. It revealed that different treatment would effect the diversity of broadleaf secondary forest. However, the reasons of 1he succession function between species and individuals of vegetation need further Studies.
起訖頁 51-62
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200003 (22:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 聚胺基甲酸酯之合成及其在木材塗裝與膠合上之應用──(II)聚胺甲酸酯樹脂之膠化性質
該期刊-下一篇 台灣林業基金建立之研究




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