中文摘要 |
本研究以傳統分類方法,重新訂正臺灣產灰木科植物。結果計有1屬24種,其中南嶺灰木S. sonoharae var. formosana C. C. Wang屬於Symplocos亞屬,其餘23種歸於Hopea亞屬,文中提出了一新變種(S. sonoharae var. formosana C. C. Wang)以及一新組合(S. formosana Brand var. taiheizanensis(Mori)C. C. Wang),關於種類的檢索表、學名考證及生育地和分布亦於文中提出。
This study is a classical taxomonic revision of the Syrnplocaceae or Taiwan. Based on a broad survey of herbarium specimens and living plants in the field, 24 species are recognized, one species (S. sonoharae var. formosana C. C. Wang) is assigned to Subgen. Symplocos, and the other 23 species to Subgen. Hopea (L.) Clarke. One new variety (S. sonoharae Koidzumi var. formosana C. C. Wang) and one new combination (S. formosana Brand var. taiheizanensis (Mori) C. C. Wang) is proposed. An analytical key to the species and variety, notes on habitat and general distribution of the species and variety is also given. |
英文摘要 |
This study is a classical taxomonic revision of the Syrnplocaceae or Taiwan. Based on a broad survey of herbarium specimens and living plants in the field, 24 species are recognized, one species (S. sonoharae var. formosana C. C. Wang) is assigned to Subgen. Symplocos, and the other 23 species to Subgen. Hopea (L.) Clarke. One new variety (S. sonoharae Koidzumi var. formosana C. C. Wang) and one new combination (S. formosana Brand var. taiheizanensis (Mori) C. C. Wang) is proposed. An analytical key to the species and variety, notes on habitat and general distribution of the species and variety is also given. |