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作者 羅紹麟林喻東
本研究從社會經濟層面探討有關混農林業的問題。經濟分析層面採用生產函數中的科布‧道格拉斯生產函數、邊界機率生產函數及多產出超越對數成本函數探討嘉義及南投兩地區混農林業投入及產出。社會分析層面則是訪問林業行政人員及農民對混農林業態度的認知,以瞭解兩者在認知上是否有差距及推行該項政策時面臨哪些困難。本研究採問卷訪問的方式進行,其具體結論如下:一、此二地區都是以茶、竹子及檳榔為主要作物,且混作的方式都是以分開栽植及比鄰而栽的農林複作經營的型態為主。二、機率邊界生產函數的係數計算彈性和的結果是:規模報酬遞增的有南投的茶、檳榔;接近固定規模報酬的有嘉義的茶、竹及檳榔;規模報酬遞減的有南投的竹。此外,以戶為單位計算的結果均為規模報酬遞增。三、以超越對數成本函數計算的結果顯示此二地區的生產均為規模報酬遞增。MPSE顯示多產出規模經濟,表示在該二地區適合混農林業的發展。四、將政府機關及農民對採行混農林業態度認知有一致的趨勢,除了農民尚多出一項「土地所有權問題的考量外」,此二者都可分成「政府推廣混農林業的態度」、「農民經濟的考量」及「國土保安政策的考量」三項因素。 The main purposes of this paper are valuating economic monetary value of agroforestry and interviewing officers and agroforesters about their recognition attitude towards agroforestry. There are several results: will be shown as follows: I. The main crops of both Nantou and Chiayi are tea, bamboo and Arecnuts. Most of their mixed styles belong to separated plantation and neighboring plantation. II. In comparison with the sum of input elasticity of Cobb-Douglas production function and probabilistic production function, there are no significant difference between them in tea and Arecanuts. In other words, the management of two crops are under stable situation. III. The results of multiproduct translog production show that both regions' agroforestry management belong to increasing return to scale. The MPSE value also indicate that both regions have benefits of integrated management. IV. As for recognition attitudes towards agroforestry, both of officers and agroforesters acquire the same tendency of reconnition after calculation of factor analysis. Their recognition are 'governmental attitudes towards agroforestry” “agroforesters consideration in economic aspects' and 'consideration in water and soil conservation''.
The main purposes of this paper are valuating economic monetary value of agroforestry and interviewing officers and agroforesters about their recognition attitude towards agroforestry. There are several results: will be shown as follows: I. The main crops of both Nantou and Chiayi are tea, bamboo and Arecnuts. Most of their mixed styles belong to separated plantation and neighboring plantation. II. In comparison with the sum of input elasticity of Cobb-Douglas production function and probabilistic production function, there are no significant difference between them in tea and Arecanuts. In other words, the management of two crops are under stable situation. III. The results of multiproduct translog production show that both regions' agroforestry management belong to increasing return to scale. The MPSE value also indicate that both regions have benefits of integrated management. IV. As for recognition attitudes towards agroforestry, both of officers and agroforesters acquire the same tendency of reconnition after calculation of factor analysis. Their recognition are 'governmental attitudes towards agroforestry” “agroforesters consideration in economic aspects' and 'consideration in water and soil conservation''.
起訖頁 21-35
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 199903 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 達觀山自然保護區遊客特性及對生態衝擊之研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣產灰木科植物之訂正




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