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Study on the Vegetation of Diospyros philippensis Forest in Guanshan of Hengchun Peninsula
作者 錢亦新謝春萬 (Chun-Wan Hsien)葉慶龍 (Ching-Long Yeh)廖春芬王志強
本研究調查恆春半島關山毛柿林之植群組成與生育地環境之相關。研究區地形主要為高位珊瑚礁石灰岩所形成之谷地,共設置38個樣區。本研究共記錄64科138屬155種維管束植物,包括蕨類植物6科8種,雙子葉植物47科127種,單子葉植物11科20種;其中稀有植物有11科14種。經降趨對應分析來呈現樣區空間上的分布情形,並使用群團分析,將林型區分成臺灣海桐-山羨子型(Pittosporum pentandrum-Buchanania arborescens)、樹杞─毛柿型(Ardisia sieboldini-Diospyros philippensis)。植群型內主要優勢物種及毛柿之族群徑級結構大多呈現反J型,且以小徑木居多,族群具有持續穩定更新之能力。此區鄰近人為開發區域,故可能會威脅稀有植物之生存,本研究建議管理單位可制訂相關保育計畫。 In this study, we investigate the relationship of vegetation and habitat in Guanshan of Hengchun Peninsula. The study area is the valley that mainly composed of high coral reef limestone formed and 38 plots were sampled. We classified two vegetation types, 64 families, 138 genera, 155 species, and identified 14 rare species. Cluster analysis was used to classify the following vegetation types. Follow the result of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), Pittosporum pentandrumBuchanania arborescens and Ardisia sieboldini - Diospyros philippensistype were the main vegetation types in the study area. Population structure of Diospyros philippensis and dominant species in vegetation types which have the ability to continuously and sustainably. Cause the effect by human or nature, rare species in the study area could be decreased population
起訖頁 177-192
關鍵詞 恆春半島高位珊瑚礁降趨對應分析群團分析稀有植物Hengchun peninsulauplifted coral-reefdetrended correspondence analysiscluster analysisrare species
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201709 (39:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 雪山雪東線步道蟲媒花植物開花物候及其與溫度之關聯
該期刊-下一篇 馬祖列島燕鷗保護區維管束植物組成特性研究




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