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Study on Key Assessment Index of Sustainable Development of Rural Ecotourism
作者 顏綺蓮陳美惠
早期台灣鄉村經濟來源為傳統農業,隨社會朝工業化發展,導致鄉村發展停滯甚至沒落,因此許多鄉村企圖運用其天然資源之優勢發展旅遊產業以帶動鄉村的轉型。然鄉村旅遊過度發展將對當地居民知覺與態度及社會聯繫力等產生負面衝擊,故鄉村旅遊應朝永續經營之原則方向發展。本研究以「於鄉村地區進行之生態旅遊活動」為範圍,希找出鄉村生態旅遊永續發展之關鍵評估指標,提供發展鄉村生態旅遊之社區及經營管理單位,作為建構鄉村生態旅遊營運要件及評核鄉村生態旅遊得否永續發展之參據。本研究首先回顧國內外生態旅遊、鄉村生態旅遊、永續發展、永續觀光等相關領域文獻及官方評估指標,歸納彙整為永續發展、生態旅遊永續發展、鄉村生態旅遊永續發展、永續觀光等四大指標概念,以及環境、經濟、社會、文化、設施、旅遊產品、教育、地方參與及治理、政策規範、行銷等10大構面84項指標,並邀請12位學者專家擔任Delphi專家成員,組成包含學者7人及政府部門人員5人,針對評鑑指標之重要程度給予評分。經3回合Delphi問卷調查,指標架構修正為環境、經濟、社會、文化、設施、旅遊產品、教育、地方參與及治理、行銷等9大構面48項指標。 impacts on the perceptions, attitudes and social connections of local residents. Rural tourism should be developed toward sustainable development. This research focuses on “ecotourism activities in rural areas” to find key assessment indexes of sustainable rural ecotourism to provide communities and tourism operators a basis for evaluating whether their rural ecotourism can be developed sustainably. This study first reviews the literature related to domestic and foreign ecotourism, rural ecotourism, sustainable development, sustainable tourism, and official assessment indexes. Four major index concepts are summarized-sustainable development, sustainable development of ecotourism, sustainable development of rural ecotourism, and sustainable tourism. This study also identifies ten major dimensions: environment, economy, society, culture, facility, travel products, education, local participation and management, policy and requirement, and marketing- involving 84 indexes. Twelve scholars and experts were invited as Delphi expert panel members, including seven scholars and five governmental officials, to give scores based on assessment indexes. Three rounds of Delphi questionnaire survey were performed and the index structure was revised to nine major dimensions: environment, economy, society, culture, facility, travel products, education, local participation and management and marketing-involving 48 indexes.
起訖頁 271-281
關鍵詞 鄉村生態旅遊永續發展評估指標德爾菲法rural ecotourismsustainable development assessment indexDelphi method
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201612 (38:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 三種植物纖維手工紙防黴性及評估方式比較




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