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Visitors toward afforestation policy in relation to personal values based on LOV scale — An illustration of green spaces in Taichung City
作者 莊采蓁顏添明
本研究旨在探討綠地遊憩民眾對臺灣平地造林目標的看法,並瞭解民眾個人價值觀與造林目標之關係。研究調查區域為臺灣中部地區,並以台中市之公園綠地作為問卷調查地點,問卷內容包括:平地造林目標、價值量表Lists of values (LOV)與個人背景資料。問卷於2014年7-8月間發放,共獲400份,其中有效問卷達390份。研究結果顯示,本研究所列10項平地造林目標,可由因素分析萃取出2個因素,分別為「環境與社會構面」與「經濟與遊樂構面」。此外,本研究進一步探討此2 個目標構面與個人價值之關係,分別以上述2因素構面為依變數,9項LOV價值為自變數,經逐步迴歸分析結果顯示,「自我尊重」與「歸屬感」對環境與社會構面有正向影響,而「與他人保持溫暖關係」與「興奮感」對經濟與遊樂構面有正向影響。由於前往公園綠地遊憩之民眾具有實際參與公園綠地遊憩活動的經驗,而這些地區為平地造林政策可能施行之目標區域,因此受訪者能對平地造林政策提供較為具體的建議,本研究所得之結果可提供未來政策施行之參考。 The purpose of this study was to explore visitors' cognition on the targets of a series of afforestation policy in plain area and examined the relationship between personal values and the policy targets. A questionnaire survey was conducted in central Taiwan and was performed on parks and green spaces using on-site-surveys in study area. The questionnaire contains three parts, including List of Values (LOV) scale, the targets of policy and socioeconomic characteristics. A total of 390 valid questionnaires were obtained from 400 questionnaires during July to August in 2014. The 10 targets of afforestation policy in plain area are suitable for factor analysis. A total of two factors were extracted, namely 'environmental and social dimensions' and 'economic and recreation dimensions'. The relationships between personal values and the targets of policy were examined by stepwise regression analysis using the above two factors as dependent variables and 9 values of LOV as independent variables. The results indicated that the LOV values of 'self-respect' and 'the sense of belonging' had a positive influence on the environmental and social dimension. On the other hand, the values of 'warm relationships' and 'excitement' positively affected the economic and recreation dimension. Since visitor represents one kind of important public who act in parks and green spaces and has experience in outdoor recreation, these area were possibly performed the afforestation policy. These visitors might provide concrete information on the afforestation policy and the results help improving policy performance.
起訖頁 29-40
關鍵詞 平地造林政策個人價值觀Lists of values (LOV)量表Afforestation policy in plain areapersonal valueslists of values (LOV) scale
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201503 (37:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 探討烏心石苗木形態與生理性狀的關係
該期刊-下一篇 颱風警報發布項目與旅遊目的地遊客數量變化影響之研究




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