中文摘要 |
本試驗以臺南市白河地區粗放經營及集約經營之麻竹(Dendrocalamus latiflorus)林分為對象,其中集約經營之生鮮麻竹筍林地位於交通較方便處,且利用灌水、覆蓋等集約經營措施,而較偏遠地區的麻竹筍,則大多每星期僅採收一次之粗放經營。本試驗在各林分內劃設3個樣區重覆,進行生長調查結果,粗放經營之竹叢佔林地比例約為22.2%,而集約經營麻竹林竹叢僅為17.7%。林分密度方面,粗放經營林分株數為7,267 culms ha-1,而集約經營林分株數僅為3,067 culms ha-1,粗放經營林分株數較高,且株數密度逐年增加。粗放經營林分之年度間枯死率約為7.9%,而集約經營竹林之移除率則為43.8%,由於集約竹林內留存較多新生竹,可作為下一年度竹筍生產之母竹。在麻竹林分生物量部份,粗放經營林分2010年之地上部總生物量乾重為94.5 ton ha-1,遠高於集約經營林分之31.6 ton ha-1,兩種麻竹林經營方式,對林分現存生物量表現差異極大。本調查粗放經營之麻竹林分,竹筍年生產量為17.1 ton ha-1,每年約可為竹農帶來104,233元(未扣除成本)粗收益。集約經營之麻竹林,竹筍年生產量為13.2 ton ha-1,每年約可為竹農帶來516,017元(未扣除成本)粗收益。
This study investigated two management strategies: extensive management and intensive management in ma bamboo stands (Dendrocalamus latiflorus) in Baihe area, Tainan city. Three plots for each management strategy stand were set up. In the case of extensive management stand, the ratio of bamboo clump coverage to the woodland was about 22.2% and 17.7% for the intensive management stand. In the stand density, there was 7,267 culms ha-1 in the extensive management, higher than that of the intensive management, i.e. 3,067 culms ha-1. The stand density in the extensive management stand was increased over years. In the extensive management stand, bamboo culms were dead in the rate 7.9%. In the intensive management stand, 43.8% old bamboo were cut out to save more new bamboos to be mother bamboos for shoot production in the next year. With regard to bamboo stand biomass, in the extensive management stands, the average dry biomass above ground was 94.5 ton ha-1, which is higher than that of in intensive management stand (31.6 ton ha-1). In the extensive management stand, it estimated 17.1 ton ha-1 shoots was produced yearly, which could bring about 104,233 NT dollars gross income to bamboo farmers, and 13.2 ton ha-1 yearly with 516,017 NT dollars gross income for the intensive management stand. |