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The Current Status of the Wood Product Demand in Taiwan
作者 陳麗琴 (Li-Chin Chen)林俊成吳俊賢 (Chun-Hsien Wu)黃進睦陳溢宏
本研究之目的為分析台灣地區木質材料需求量之現況及其使用型態。本研究採用聯合國農糧署(FAO)所定義的伐後木質產品(Harvested Wood Product,HWP)分類方式,以材積當量為基礎,重新估算台灣地區木質材料包含原木、製材、木質人造板類及木漿材、木片之需求量與消費量,並比較原木當量與材積當量之差異,以提供政策制定、學術研究及林產品碳吸存量計算所需之參考。 2011年木質材料需求量約為529萬m3 ,消費量約為520萬m3 ,木材自給率為0.45%;2011年原木當量與材積當量之材積相差329萬m3 。 The purpose of this study is to analyze the current status of the wood material demand in Taiwan for the references of forestry policy-making, academic research and CO2 sequestration estimation. By using the classification definition of the harvested wood product of FAO, the wood product groups were reclassified and estimated, including roundwood, sawnwood, wood based panels and pulp wood and wood chips. According to solid wood equivalent volume, the total wood material demand and consumption were estimated. In 2011, wood product demand is 5.29 million m3 , the consumption is 5.20 million m3 . However, the wood self-sufficiency rate is only 0.45%. The demand difference between solid wood equivalent volume and round wood equivalent volume is 3.29 million m3
起訖頁 287-296
關鍵詞 木質材料需求量伐後木質產品木材自給率wood material demandharvested wood productwood self-sufficiency rate
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201209 (34:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 不同溫度熱處理柳杉與相思樹木材之特性
該期刊-下一篇 麻竹林經營方式對生長與竹筍生產的影響




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