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he Development of Forest Therapy Base and the Current Situation-The case of Kyushu Japan
作者 曾宇良佐藤宣子
所謂「森林療癒」是在有完善規劃的森林環境中,透過嚮導的解說,以身體的五感去體驗森林及大自然的感動,並感受森林的生命力,達到恢復身心健康的狀態。日本在2004年,透過科學的方式證實了森林具有「療癒效果」,並開始進行預防醫學方面的研究,並由林野廳、厚生勞動省、各研究機關及大學、企業等組成了「森林療癒研究會」,開始進行相關研究與活動推廣。至 2011年,日本全國總共有44個森林療癒基地通過認定,實際進行森林療癒的活動。本研究選取了日本九州三個案例,分別是位於都市近郊的福岡縣篠栗町,中山間地帶的福岡縣UKIHA市,以及位於山村地區的宮崎縣日之影町等三個森林療癒基地,進行比較分析。透過三個不同案例,可發現不同地理條件的森林,在發展森林療癒基地過程所面臨的問題及因應遊客需求並融入地方特色的行程規劃,各有異同之處,相同的部分皆是為了振興地方發展,活用林地讓更多人親切森林,而不同之處在於地方政府的政策會影響森林療癒的推動。因此本研究透過實際參與及深度訪談的方式,歸納出不同地理屬性的森林,在發展森林療癒過程中的現況與面臨的課題。 Forest Therapy' is the fragrance of the forest landscape and natural forms saturation and skin tone and by the forest life and feel the power, and intends to human mind and body back to life, with the forest, 'Healing effect 'and has begun efforts to help validate scientifi c preventive medicine, business and Forestry Ministry of Health, research institutes and universities,' Forest Therapy Study Group 'has been studying the organization. These results are used for site selection and implementation of forest therapy, 2011, forest therapy base was 44 places across the country. Nonprofi t Organization expanded to about 100 places in the country is that it will send information together.Current status and way of each municipality to promote forest therapy is thought to be due to characteristics of each local situation, this research base near the city forest therapy-Sasaguri town, Fukuoka Prefecture, rural forest therapy base-Fukuoka Ukiha City, the base of the mountain forest therapy-to target the city of Miyazaki Prefecture Hinokage made clear the relationship between history and the development of regional development in the region of three forest therapy.
起訖頁 161-171
關鍵詞 森林療癒地方活性化Forest TherapyRegional activation
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201206 (34:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 評估五種平地景觀造林樹種景觀美質偏好之研究




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