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Predicting Landscape Scenic Preferences of the 5 Main Tree Species' Landscape of Afforestation
作者 林奕志顏添明
本研究之主要目的在探討民眾對於5種平地景觀造林樹種之美質偏好,利用美質評估法(Scenic beauty estimation, SBE)評估台灣櫸(Zelkova serrata)、光臘樹(Fraxinus formosana)、烏心石(Michelia compress)、樟樹(Cinnamomom camphora)及杜英(Elaeocarpus decipiens)等5種樹種,研究結果發現該五種樹種中以樟樹所得美質分數最高(SBE=146.9),最低為光臘樹(SBE=-138.8),表示樟樹最為民眾所喜好。此外,本研究選用五項影響偏好之因子做為自變數,包括:直樹(X1)、地被植物(X2)二者之相片方格面積、相片內林木棵數(X3)、平均DBH (X4)及平均枝下高(X5)建立 SBE值之迴歸模式為:SBE = -662.026-1.61X1-0.992 X2-0.002 X3+9.285 X4+310.085 X5,解釋能力達 76.5%。其中相片內林木棵數及平均枝下高二項對美質分數的影響力較大,本研究所得結果可做為平地造林政策之參考。 The purpose of this research was to apply Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method to evaluate the 5 trees species, namely, Zelkova serrata, Fraxinus formosana, Michelia compress, Cinnamomom camphora and Elaeocarpus decipiens. After measuring these tree species' landscape scenic beauty, we found that Cinnamomom camphora had higher SBE (SBE=146.9) while Fraxinus formosana had lower SBE (SBE=-138.8), implying that Cinnamomom camphora was more popular for people. Moreover, 5 variables, namely, the grid area of straight tree (X1) and ground cover plants (X2), number of trees in the photo (X3), average DBH (X4), average clear length (X5), were used as dependent variables for constructing SBE value regression model. The results showed that regression equation was SBE = -662.026-1.61 X1-0.992 X2-0.002 X3+9.285 X4+310.085 X5, the explanatory were 76.5%. Found that photo of tree number and average branch of two factors had great infl uence on the scenic beauty. This result can provide scenic beauty information for government policy.
起訖頁 151-159
關鍵詞 景觀偏好美質評估法平地景觀造林Landscape scenic preferenceScenic Beauty Estimation (SBE)Afforestation
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201206 (34:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 登山者低衝擊行為實務知識之評估研究
該期刊-下一篇 日本推動森林療癒基地之過程與現況之研究──以九州為例




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