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Survey of plant resources and proposition of ecological restoration in Tungshih Forest Station
作者 邱清安曾喜育王俊閔吳佾鴻曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)
東勢林場是中興大學實驗林之一,為經營管理與試驗研究亟須瞭解其植物資源現況。本研究之物種清單共記錄維管束植物106科259屬337種,包括18種特有種、9種稀有植物。由生態氣候圖、植物生活型譜與蕨類商數之分析顯示,本區氣候偏屬亞熱帶且冬季較為乾燥。東勢林場現生植群(不含果園及樟樹、大葉桃花心木等造林地)分析結果計可劃分為4型:(Ⅰ)相思樹型(含麻竹–江某亞型、相思樹亞型、香楠亞型、樟樹亞型);(Ⅱ)山黃麻型(含青剛櫟亞型、山黃麻亞型、稜果榕亞型);(Ⅲ)臺灣欒樹型;(Ⅳ)楓香型;這些植群型主要為不同強度之干擾後所形成的次生林,於近溝谷或陡峭處則保有較多原生樹種。東勢林場大部分較平坦之承租地殆已開發為果園,但已逐步收回,未來可朝經濟林、景觀林、近自然林3種目標進行復育造林,並可參考本研究之結果,選擇適當鄉土樹種以達適地適木之造林方式,以增加整體生產力及改善生物多樣性。本文提供東勢林場森林生態復育之建議,亦可做為未來臺灣中西部內陸區低海拔復育森林生態系之參考。 Tungshih Forest Station is one of experimental forest stations of National Chung Hsing University. The survey of plant resources is necessary for management and science. In this paper, the inventory lists totally 106 families, 259 genera, and 337 species vascular plants, including 18 endemic and 9 rare species. The results of ecological climate diagram, plant life-form spectra, and pteridophyte quotient reveal Tungshih Forest Station is subtropical climate and slightly arid in winter. The vegetation, except the orchard and Cinnamomum camphora and Swietenia macrophylla plantations, could be divided into 4 types: (I) Acacia confusa type (including Dendrocalamus latifl orus–Scheffl era octophylla subtype, Acacia confusa subtype, Machilus zuihoensis subtype, Cinnamomum camphora subtype), (II) Trema orientalis type (including Cyclobalanopsis glauca var. glauca subtype, Trema orientalis subtype, Ficus septica subtype), (III) Koelreuteria henryi type, (IV) Liquidambar formosana type. On the whole, the vegetation in Tungshih Forest Station is the secondary forest following disturbances of different intensities. And native trees mainly remained in the ravine and steep. The economic forest, landscape forest, and near-nature forest could be considered as the future afforesting objectives. The results of this research could contribute to select the suitable tree species to afforest in the site for enhanceing productivity and biodiversity and provide suggestions for forest ecosystem restoration in Tungshih Forest Station and also in the central west inland region of Taiwan.
起訖頁 13-38
關鍵詞 東勢林場維管束植物清單植群分析森林生態復育Tungshih Forest Stationvascular plant inventoryvegetation analysisforest ecosystem restoration
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201203 (34:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 南投縣泰雅族眉原部落民族植物之調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 利嘉野生動物重要棲息環境之植群生態研究




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