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Ethnobotany on Atayal of Meiyuan Tribe in Nantou County, Taiwan
作者 廖學儀曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)曾喜育
本研究針對鄰近惠蓀林場之南投縣仁愛鄉泰雅族眉原部落,透過實際觀察和訪談方式記錄當地植物使用之情形。在部落鄰近地區共採集120科306屬438種植物。訪談16人(9男7女),記錄72 科140屬182種為有用植物,共841筆使用資料。根據用途區分成狩獵、食用、建材等11類;前3者依次為狩獵植物(36科67種)最多,占有用植物種數之36.8%,食用(37科56種)占27.5%區次,建材(22 科50種)佔27.5%。眉原部落民族植物的Shannon多樣性指數2.13,均勻度指數為0.94。男性受訪者共提供177種植物,658筆記錄資料,每人平均提供52.8±42.6種植物及73.1±61.9筆資料;女性受訪者共提供77種植物,183筆記錄資料,每人平均提供21.3±12.9種植物及26.1±16.9筆資料。利用MannWhitney U檢定分析不同性別提供的物種數與記錄筆數,兩者皆無顯著差異,但男性在狩獵、建材、器用等用途與女性有顯著差異,可能受到傳統社會文化所影響。利用Sørensen相似性指數比較不同泰雅族部落使用情形,眉原部落與澳花、金洋相似性較高,與鎮西堡相似性較低,因部落所在位置受不同環境與海拔影響,所孕育的植物組成不同,進而影響了人們在植物種類選擇上的差異。本研究結果可供當地部落保存相關的植物利用知識,以作為部落傳統知識文化傳遞之參考。 A survey of ethnobotanical studies was conducted in Meiyuan Atayal tribe, Renai township, Nantou county. A total of 438 species belong to 306 genera, 120 families, has been collected and 841 citable data from 182 ethnobotanical species take into analysis in this study. According to the most third of 11 useful ethnobotanical categories, hunting and fishing is 67 species (36.8%), 56 species (30.8%) for food, and 50 species (27.5%) for commodity. Estimating diversity indices at Meiyuan tribe, the Shannon diversity index is 2.13, and evenness is 0.94. Comparing among mentioned species between female and male are 21.3±12.9 and 52.8±42.6, respectively; and, citations data for female and male are 26.1±16.9 and 73.1±61.9, individually. There are no significant differences between female and male by using Mann-Whitney U to test mentioned species and citations. The data from male interviews is uneven, but the species mentioned from male is greater than mentioned from female. In generalized Atayal classification, comparing similarity index differs from ethnobotanical research of Atayal rigion. Jinyang and Auhua tribes have higher similarity index to Meiyuan. The similarity index between Meiyuan and Cinsbu is the lowest. Position reflects the altitude of the location of the different tribes, resulting in national ministries fall showed differences in the use of plant species. This result provides ethnobotanical conservation knowledge as reference for traditional knowledge culture of Meiyuan tribe.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 民族植物學泰雅族眉原部落惠蓀林場多樣性指數Sørensen相似性指數EthnobotanyAtayalMeiyuan tribeHue-Sun Forest StationDiversitySørensen similarity index
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201203 (34:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 東勢林場植物資源調查及其生態復育芻議




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