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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Heavy Metal Pollutions in Algal Reef Coasts of Northwest Taiwan |
作者 |
劉靜榆 (Ching-Yu Liu) |
中文摘要 |
This study is an investigation of heavy metal pollution in the algal reef coasts of northwest Taiwan in 2014-2015. The coasts between Taoyuan and Sinfeng, Hsinchu, were divided into 15 segments according to estuary and geographical locations, then sampling stations were set up according to coast type. A total of 525 algal reef and sand samples were gathered to measure the concentration of 32 heavy metals by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. Multivariate statistical analysis was performed on the quantitative data to compare the samples. Four groups of elements were further categorized based on ordination of principal component analysis and dendrograms from cluster analysis. The first group of elements included calcium(Ca), scandium(Sc), strontium(Sr) and sulfur(S). As the reefs were complete and seldom covered by sand, calcium would be found in higher concentration. At Sinjie coast C4 station, the maximum content of strontium was found at 8147ppm and the average of sulfur was 2083.3ppm; and at Caota coast E1 station, the maximum content of sulfur was 16,183ppm, showing unusually high values. The second group, specifically zinc(Zn), nickel(Ni), copper(Cu), manganese(Mn), iron(Fe), arsenic(As), lead(Pb) and molybdenum(Mo), are elements commonly founded in effluents of traditional industrial areas. Extremely high values were detected at Fulin coast F1 station, with zinc showing a maximum value of 2077.2ppm, nickel 456.1ppm, chromium(Cr) 351ppm; and at F3 station the maximum value of copper was 1249.8ppm. These results are all far above the standard soil pollution control values for criteria pollutants. Highest values of elements that are not listed in the EPA's standards were also found. For example, the maximum value of titanium was 5087.9ppm and iron 138332ppm. In addition, barium(Ba) was measured at a maximum of 1479.7ppm, cesium(Ce) 457.2ppm and tin(Sn) 245.2ppm at Fulin coast F1 sampling station, showing serious pollution. These three elements along with silver(Ag), cadmium(Cd), palladium(Pd), antimony(Sb), tellurium(Te) were categorized into the third group. Samples with maximum value of barium, cesium and tin were collected from Fulin coast, and maximum values of the other elements were found at Potou coast O5 station. Guan-Sing algal reefs are Taiwan's only protected algal reef coast. However, the highest or average values of manganese, mercury(Hg), cadmium, rubidium(Rb), scandium, thorium(Th), palladium were found there. Compared to data from 2011-2012, zirconium (Zr) slightly reduced to a maximum value of 2778ppm. During the reef algae building process, these elements may accumulate and may not have the same degree of heavy metal adsorption as sandy shores. In this study, 525 samples were divided into reef and sand samples. As shown by the first three groups, many elements in the reef samples were found to be significantly higher than that of the sand samples. However, the fourth group of elements, specifically titanium(Ti), potassium(K), rubidium, vanadium(V) and chromium, showed a reversal, with higher concentrations found in the sand samples rather than the reef samples. It should be especially noted that the highest values of these five elements were all detected in Luchu coast. This study found that heavy metal pollution in algal reef coast of northwest Taiwan is serious. Each segment had different sources of pollutants. Fulin and Laojie coasts were mostly polluted by traditional industries, Potou coast was polluted by rare metals, Guan-Sing algal reefs coast and the coast on both sides of Yongan Fishing Port were polluted by a complicated mix of factors. |
英文摘要 |
This study is an investigation of heavy metal pollution in the algal reef coasts of northwest Taiwan in 2014-2015. The coasts between Taoyuan and Sinfeng, Hsinchu, were divided into 15 segments according to estuary and geographical locations, then sampling stations were set up according to coast type. A total of 525 algal reef and sand samples were gathered to measure the concentration of 32 heavy metals by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. Multivariate statistical analysis was performed on the quantitative data to compare the samples. Four groups of elements were further categorized based on ordination of principal component analysis and dendrograms from cluster analysis. The first group of elements included calcium(Ca), scandium(Sc), strontium(Sr) and sulfur(S). As the reefs were complete and seldom covered by sand, calcium would be found in higher concentration. At Sinjie coast C4 station, the maximum content of strontium was found at 8147ppm and the average of sulfur was 2083.3ppm; and at Caota coast E1 station, the maximum content of sulfur was 16,183ppm, showing unusually high values. The second group, specifically zinc(Zn), nickel(Ni), copper(Cu), manganese(Mn), iron(Fe), arsenic(As), lead(Pb) and molybdenum(Mo), are elements commonly founded in effluents of traditional industrial areas. Extremely high values were detected at Fulin coast F1 station, with zinc showing a maximum value of 2077.2ppm, nickel 456.1ppm, chromium(Cr) 351ppm; and at F3 station the maximum value of copper was 1249.8ppm. These results are all far above the standard soil pollution control values for criteria pollutants. Highest values of elements that are not listed in the EPA's standards were also found. For example, the maximum value of titanium was 5087.9ppm and iron 138332ppm. In addition, barium(Ba) was measured at a maximum of 1479.7ppm, cesium(Ce) 457.2ppm and tin(Sn) 245.2ppm at Fulin coast F1 sampling station, showing serious pollution. These three elements along with silver(Ag), cadmium(Cd), palladium(Pd), antimony(Sb), tellurium(Te) were categorized into the third group. Samples with maximum value of barium, cesium and tin were collected from Fulin coast, and maximum values of the other elements were found at Potou coast O5 station. Guan-Sing algal reefs are Taiwan's only protected algal reef coast. However, the highest or average values of manganese, mercury(Hg), cadmium, rubidium(Rb), scandium, thorium(Th), palladium were found there. Compared to data from 2011-2012, zirconium (Zr) slightly reduced to a maximum value of 2778ppm. During the reef algae building process, these elements may accumulate and may not have the same degree of heavy metal adsorption as sandy shores. In this study, 525 samples were divided into reef and sand samples. As shown by the first three groups, many elements in the reef samples were found to be significantly higher than that of the sand samples. However, the fourth group of elements, specifically titanium(Ti), potassium(K), rubidium, vanadium(V) and chromium, showed a reversal, with higher concentrations found in the sand samples rather than the reef samples. It should be especially noted that the highest values of these five elements were all detected in Luchu coast. This study found that heavy metal pollution in algal reef coast of northwest Taiwan is serious. Each segment had different sources of pollutants. Fulin and Laojie coasts were mostly polluted by traditional industries, Potou coast was polluted by rare metals, Guan-Sing algal reefs coast and the coast on both sides of Yongan Fishing Port were polluted by a complicated mix of factors. |
起訖頁 |
49-95 |
關鍵詞 |
藻礁、臺灣西北部、重金屬污染、桃園、新竹新豐、觀新藻礁、algal reef、northwest Taiwan、heavy metal pollution、Taoyuan、Hsinchu Sinfeng、Guan-Sing algal reefs |
刊名 |
台灣生物多樣性研究 |
期數 |
201701 (19:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華監測我國冬季鳥類相之2016年成果 |