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The Results of 2016 New Year Bird Count as A Mmonitoring Project for the Winter
作者 林大利呂翊維沈育霖林昆海林瑞興 (Ruey-Shing Lin)
東亞澳遷徙線的候鳥因棲地流失而導致數量大幅下降。為瞭解臺灣冬季鳥類相的變化趨勢「臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華」已自2014年執行至今。2015年12月19日至2016年1月10日的23天內,由1,116名志工於全國156個半徑3km的樣區圓內執行鳥類調查,共記錄331種鳥,292,837隻次的鳥類。與2014年及2015年的成果相較,參與人數、調查時間及樣區圓數量皆有所增加。然而,仍有16處樣區圓的鳥種數逐年下降,另有16處樣區圓的鳥類豐度也逐年降低。下降幅度較高的樣區圓多為濕地環境,包括鰲鼓溼地、漢寶及福寶濕地。從各鳥種的角度來看,12種鳥的總數量減少100隻次以上,其中包括蒙古鴴、田鷸及大杓鷸等度冬水鳥。遷徙水鳥的族群量下降,可能與東亞沿海濕地大幅流失有關。臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華將持續執行,以偵測冬候鳥的族群變化趨勢。 The migratory birds of East Asia-Australasia Flyway have been decreasing significantly due to habitat loss. Taiwan New Year Bird Count (NYBC Taiwan) has monitored population trends of wintering birds since 2014. From 19 December 2015 to 10 January 2016, 1,116 volunteers conducted surveys in 156 circle sample areas that each had a diameter of 3 km across the country and recorded 331 bird species (292,837 individuals). Compared to data of 2014 and 2015, the number of volunteers, duration, and the number of circle sample areas increased. However, bird species richness decreased in 16 circle sample areas; and bird abundance decreased in another 16 circle sample areas. All of the top five sample areas of declining bird abundance were in wetlands, such as Ao-gu Wetland, Ham-bow Wetland, and Fu-bow Wetland. In terms of abundance, 12 specieswere found to have decreased over 100 individuals, including Charadrius mongolus, Gallinago gallinago, Numenius arquata. The population decrease of migratory shorebirds might be related to coastal wetland loss in East Asia. NYBC Taiwan will continueto monitorthe population trends of migratory birds.
The migratory birds of East Asia-Australasia Flyway have been decreasing significantly due to habitat loss. Taiwan New Year Bird Count (NYBC Taiwan) has monitored population trends of wintering birds since 2014. From 19 December 2015 to 10 January 2016, 1,116 volunteers conducted surveys in 156 circle sample areas that each had a diameter of 3 km across the country and recorded 331 bird species (292,837 individuals). Compared to data of 2014 and 2015, the number of volunteers, duration, and the number of circle sample areas increased. However, bird species richness decreased in 16 circle sample areas; and bird abundance decreased in another 16 circle sample areas. All of the top five sample areas of declining bird abundance were in wetlands, such as Ao-gu Wetland, Ham-bow Wetland, and Fu-bow Wetland. In terms of abundance, 12 specieswere found to have decreased over 100 individuals, including Charadrius mongolus, Gallinago gallinago, Numenius arquata. The population decrease of migratory shorebirds might be related to coastal wetland loss in East Asia. NYBC Taiwan will continueto monitorthe population trends of migratory birds.
起訖頁 27-48
關鍵詞 八民科學東亞澳遷徙線新年數鳥嘉年華臺灣冬候鳥citizen scienceEast Asia-Australasia FlywayNYBCTaiwanwintering birds
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201701 (19:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 四種臺灣雀形目留鳥的異地回收紀錄
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣西北部藻礁海岸重金屬污染分析




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