英文摘要 |
Aiming to develop a contextualized understanding of language learner agency (LLA) as defined by van Lier (2008), this study asks the question: How do Taiwanese EFL learners of two generations under different educational policies and social atmospheres narrate their English learning experiences and exert LLA differently? Narrative and interview data were collected from four participants born in two different time frames: the 1950-60s, or the post WWII period, and after 1987, when the 33-year-old martial law was lifted and educational reforms were gradually introduced. Analyzing the data using van Lier’s three features of LLA and interacting with Clandinin and Connelly’s (2000) notions of context and continuity revealed many differences across the two generations’ exertion of LLA in terms of their respective times, places, and relationships. As the 12-year curriculum is to be implemented soon and is expected to impact the next generation of Taiwanese learners, this study provides insights into LLA in EFL as both personal and social experiences and allows us to ponder on our shared past, present, and future EFL learning experiences. Implications and suggestions are provided based on the results.
為能賦予 van Lier(2008)語言學習者自主概念,較為具體且屬於特定場域下的詮釋,本研究探詢的問題是台灣兩世代 EFL 學習者如何在他們各自的教育政策與社會氛圍下敘述屬於他們的自主英語學習經驗?敘事與訪談資料蒐集自四位研究參與者,包括生於 1950 到 1960 二次大戰之後的兩位、與生於 1987解嚴與教改後的兩位。分析理論是 van Lier 的三項自主學習特色以及 Clandinin and Connelly(2000)關於場域的三概念,也就是時間、地點、人際關係。兩理論與敘事資料相互交集之下,顯現出 EFL 學習自主基本上是個人與社會群體經驗的展現。在此十二年國教即將展開之際,本研究得以對 EFL 共同經驗之過去、現在、未來提供省思。文後並提出相關建議。 |