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試論一種創新的漢字教學課程設計:以井字格取名法替賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)取中文名為例
An Innovative Curriculum Design for a Chinese Character: How to Use the Method of Name-Choosing with 井to Pick a Chinese Name for Steve Jobs
作者 謝明輝
本文假設賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)來臺學華語,以他將如何取中文名為引起動機的教學問題開始,設計一個取名的教學活動,逐步展示井字格取名法與漢字學習之間的關係。這個過程包含查字典、認識漢字形音義、掌握部首要件、漢字配對成多組名字,詮釋名字之內涵,最後則投票擇一適當名字等活動細節。而這課程設計的目的不僅替賈伯斯取一個道地的中文名字,試取為「康俸邁」,亦促成課堂實施中的師生互動。在有趣的課程安排下,達到認識漢字形音義的學習目的。 This article assumed that Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) came to Taiwan to learn Chinese Characters. We started with the teaching question of how he could choose a Chinese name, and then designed a teaching activity about name-choosing and displayed the relation between the method of name-choosing with 井 and learning Chinese characters. This process included looking up the word in the dictionary, recognizing the Chinese character’s form, sound and meaning, mastering the radical elements, matching many Chinese names, interpreting the connotation of the name and finally choosing a suitable Chinese name. The purpose of this course was to design not only to choose an authentic Chinese name for Steve Jobs, but also to contribute to the implementation of classroom teacher-student interaction. With interesting curriculum, we can reach the learning objectives which help students recognize the form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters.
This article assumed that Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) came to Taiwan to learn Chinese Characters. We started with the teaching question of how he could choose a Chinese name, and then designed a teaching activity about name-choosing and displayed the relation between the method of name-choosing with 井 and learning Chinese characters. This process included looking up the word in the dictionary, recognizing the Chinese character’s form, sound and meaning, mastering the radical elements, matching many Chinese names, interpreting the connotation of the name and finally choosing a suitable Chinese name. The purpose of this course was to design not only to choose an authentic Chinese name for Steve Jobs, but also to contribute to the implementation of classroom teacher-student interaction. With interesting curriculum, we can reach the learning objectives which help students recognize the form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters.
起訖頁 23-39
關鍵詞 井字格取名法漢字華語文教學課程活動The Method of Name-Choosing with 井Chinese CharactersChinese Language TeachingCourse Activities
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201712 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 運用互動科技於博物館展示之環境教育體驗研究
該期刊-下一篇 高中音樂教科書性別意識型態之內容分析




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