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臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Study on Applying Interactive Technology to Museum Exhibition for Environmental Education Experiences
作者 王照明郭書伶
本研究運用互動科技探討博物館展示的環境教育議題。本研究藉由文獻探討與分析相關案例,提出本研究之設計原則,並了解互動科技運用於環境教育及博物館之現況;再以雛型開發法設計與實作出兩件不同互動類型的互動裝置──「地球小鯨魚」與「碳市」,並針對本研究作品進行公開展示、訪談、問卷調查及焦點團體訪談。研究結果發現,一、單人互動形式作品的環境教育學習認知評分高於多人互動形式作品,二、實體裝置作品的環境教育學習認知評分高於大螢幕圖像式裝置作品,三、互動裝置比起網頁教學更能提升環境教育之學習認知,且提升互動體驗能有效增加學習認知。 This study tried to apply interactive technology to museum exhibition, and adopted the theme of environmental education. First, this paper generalized the design principles according to the result of literature review and cases analysis, and understood of interactive technology how to apply for environmental education in museums. Second, we designed and implemented two artworks that based on the results of the literature review, one of the artworks was a single-player entity device, called “earth little whale,” and the other was a multiplayer large screen device, called “carbon market.” Third, these two artworks were publicly exhibited, and participants took part in the interviews, questionnaires and focus group interviews. Based on the above, this research analyzed the findings and conclusions as follows. .The cognitive score of the singleplayer group was higher than the multiplayer group. .The cognitive score of the entity device group was higher than the large screen device group. .The cognitive score of participating interactive art was better than browsing the web in environmental education.
This study tried to apply interactive technology to museum exhibition, and adopted the theme of environmental education. First, this paper generalized the design principles according to the result of literature review and cases analysis, and understood of interactive technology how to apply for environmental education in museums. Second, we designed and implemented two artworks that based on the results of the literature review, one of the artworks was a single-player entity device, called “earth little whale,” and the other was a multiplayer large screen device, called “carbon market.” Third, these two artworks were publicly exhibited, and participants took part in the interviews, questionnaires and focus group interviews. Based on the above, this research analyzed the findings and conclusions as follows. .The cognitive score of the singleplayer group was higher than the multiplayer group. .The cognitive score of the entity device group was higher than the large screen device group. .The cognitive score of participating interactive art was better than browsing the web in environmental education.
起訖頁 1-21
關鍵詞 互動藝術互動體驗博物館教育環境教育Interactive ArtInteractive ExperienceMuseum ExhibitionEnvironmental Education
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201712 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 試論一種創新的漢字教學課程設計:以井字格取名法替賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)取中文名為例




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