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Zhang Liang that “Sets His Pursuits Higher” as the Shang Jiu (Nine of the Upper) in Hexagram Gu: A Discussion over the Historical Development and Function Positioning of the Liu Hou Image in I Ching
作者 劉秀蘭
It is never too exaggerative to state that Zhang Liang was the greatest counselor to understand God’s will to help Liu Bang (Emperor Gaozu of Han) in the Chu and Han Contention and built Liu’s reign. Zhang was merely an adherent of Han who contained vengeance for his country; yet he accidentally became Liu Bang’s minister and constantly provided ideas and plans for Liu. What was his specialty that made Liu Bang follow whatever he said, and then became an emperor eventually? Moreover, after achieving such success, Zhang chose to resign; his aloof attitudes from fame and fortunes in a political condition that constantly changed won great reputation. Scholars of I Ching have always been discussing and praising Zhang for several reasons, including how he appeared to help the world, how he rejected great powers; his wisdom of stratagems, his styles of living; his monarchical affection and connection to Liu Bang, as well as his detached attitudes after becoming famous. To conclude it, meanings and divinatory prophecy of trigrams are to be analyzed with thoughts of various aspects to consider how Zhang Liang not only helped Liu Bang to win the world but also achieved himself, so that to become an outstanding “teacher of the emperor” in Chinese history. Furthermore, the image of I Ching for Zhang Liang is to be constructed; starting since Chin Dynasty, going through Chu and Han Contention, till Han Dynasty, proper positions of Zhang Liang are to be discussed. Last but not least, a perspective of “setting his pursuits higher” from Shang Jiu (Nine of the Upper) of Hexagram Gu in Song Dynasty shall be adopted to induct this noble sentiment in the history, which still lingers with charm and charisma after thousands of years.
起訖頁 127-159
關鍵詞 周易張良劉邦高尚其事I ChingZhang LiangLiu Bangsets his pursuits higherHexagram Gu
刊名 高雄師大學報  
期數 201601 (23期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從失戀心理重詮漢樂府〈有所思〉
該期刊-下一篇 論飯含、明器的虛實義外義──以《禮記‧檀弓》為討論中心




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