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東吳日語教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Another Reexamination on Te-Clauses in Japanese
作者 湯廷池佐伯真代
本文所討論的Te-形子句(Te-clause),除了以最核心的動詞來充當述語的Te-形動詞子句(V-Te clause)以外,還包括以形容詞來充當述語的kute形形容詞子句(A-kute clause)、形容名詞(adjective noun = AN)來充當述語的de形形容名詞子句(AN-de clause)、與以名詞來充當述語的de形名詞子句(N-de clause),探討其音韻形態、句法結構以及語意功能。關於Te-形子句的句法結構,由其子句裡面的成分來看,我們認為Te-形子句是主要語含有非限定形(non-finite)的非限定子句(non-finite clause),與主句共現,只有副詞子句或補語子句的功能。當Te-形子句有副詞子句的功能時,其作用為修飾主句述語;而當Te-形子句有補語子句的功能時,動貌動詞等則成為Te-形子句的上位述語(matrix predicate)。此外,我們按照以下兩種素性和兩種值來嘗試了交叉分類(cross-classification)以釐清作為副詞子句的Te-形子句和主句的語意關係。第一個素性是,Te-形子句和主句之間是否存在著〈並行〉的關係(〔+並行〕或〔-並行〕),而第二個素性則是,兩者之間是否允許〈獨立主語〉(〔+獨立主語〕或〔-獨立主語〕)。我們所得到的結論是:作為副詞子句的Te-形子句可分為〈同時並行〉、〈前後繼起〉、〈因果繼起〉和〈對比並行〉四種語意類型,而且不同的Te-形子句之間呈現不同程度的獨立性。
The present paper examines the relationship among ”phonological representation,” ”syntactic construction” and ”semantic function” of various types of Te-clauses of predicates in Japanese, ”V-Te clause” of verb, which functions as the core of predicates, ”A-kute clause” of adjective, ”AN-de clause” of adjective noun (=AN), and ”N-de clause” of noun. And we have found that, syntactically, the main structure of the ”Te-clause” is a non-finite clause and it functions only as either a complement clause or a subordinate clause co-occurring with the main clause; it modifies the predicate of the main clause when functioning as a subordinate clause, whereas it takes aspect verbs as its matrix predicate when functioning as a complement clause.Moreover, we employ two features, ”parallel” as well as ”independent subject,” and two values, ”+” as well as ”-,” to conduct a ”cross-classification” examination to identify if the relationship between the ”Te-clause” and the ”main clause” is ”+parallel” or ”-parallel” and if they may (”+independent subject”) or may not (”-independent subject”) take an ”independent subject.” Based on the results of the examination, we propose that the ”Te-clause” functioning as an ”adverbial clause” can be classified into four types: ”simultaneous parallel,” ”sequential continuation,” ”causal continuation,” and ”contrast parallel.”
起訖頁 31-60
關鍵詞 日語形容詞次類劃分通感性比喻表現語意擴張與轉換多方向性the Japanese adjectivesthe Taxonomythe Synaesthetic metaphorthe semantic extension and transfermulti-directional
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201401 (42期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 我國日研所培育之日本相關專業人才初探--以2008-2012學年度碩博士論文分析為著眼點
該期刊-下一篇 日語形容詞的通感性比喻表現:以其次類劃分的角度來看




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