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再論日語的「te 子句」
Reexamination on te-clause in Japanese
作者 湯廷池佐伯真代
本論文主要是以松尾 (2010) 等的研究為出發點,來探討目前在日本有關「te 子句」的研究動向。在松尾 (2010) 中,將「te 子句」的語意用法歸納為「手段」、「附加條件」、「原因」、「繼起」、「機緣」、「並列」、「引言」等,現在我們期望進一步針對造成這些不同語意內涵的「句法結構」、「語意解釋」以及「兩者之間的關係」進行「綜合且明確」的「條理化」分析。目前,在衍生語法的研究領域,受到Rizzi(1997) 理論學說的影響,學者們嚐試從「對話篇章與句型文法的接點」的觀點,進行有關「補語標示詞組」(CP)「左端部份」(left periphery)內涵的精闢分析。而日本的衍生語法學者則嚐試將「南 (1974)」與「田窪 (1987)」等有關「句子的階層結構」理論中的分類 (A 類‧B 類‧C 類‧D 類) 加以重新檢討分析。我們相信在學者們的論證下,關於「te 子句」的定位將會有更進一步的發現。
The present paper, based on Matsuo’s (2010) researches, aims atsearching for the current trend of research on te-clause in Japan. InMatsuo (2010) , it is proposed that the semantic usages of te-clausemay be classified into “means,” “incidental condition,” “cause,”“continuation,” “chance,” “parallel,” and “preface.” Then, we would liketo see a comprehensive and explicit generalization made about the“syntactic construction,” “semantic meaning,” and the relationshipbetween them which produce those previous-mentioned differentsemantic contents. In recent researches on generative grammar, from theviewpoint of “the contact between discourse and grammar,” attempts at adelicate description of the complementary phrase’s (CP) left peripheryhave been carried out under the influence of Rizzi (1997). Moreover,scholars of generative grammar in Japan are attempting to reexamine theclassifications (A, B, C and D classes) concerning “sentence hierarchy”presented by Minami (1974) and Takubo (1987), which may lead to newfindings regarding te-clause’s meanings and functions.
起訖頁 59-87
關鍵詞 Levy Hideo日本近代文學私小說個別普遍Levy HideoJapanese Modern literatureShi-Shosetsuindividualityuniversality
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201107 (37期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
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