英文摘要 |
According to the previous literature, Japanese adjectives are said to manifest bothproperties. The present paper, therefore, aims to examine the nominal or verbal functionsmanifested not only by adjectives, but also by nouns, verbs, adjectival nouns, verbal nouns andother grammatical categories, by means of syntactico-semantic feature (i.e. <±nominal>,<±verbal>, <±restrictive>) analysis. The contents of the paper are as follows. Section 1briefly introduces the purpose and the main contents of the paper. Section 2, in turn,discusses the distinctions between adjectives and verbs, with regard to their inflectionalshapes, restrictive uses and predicative uses. Then, section 3, investigates the distinctionsbetween adjectives and nouns, pointing out their differences as well as similarities, followedby section 4, which examines how adjectives, adjectival nouns, verbal nouns and othersubcategories nouns differ from each, by using three syntactico-semantic features; namely,<±nominal>, <±verbal> and <±restrictive>. It is discovered that Japanese adjectives,verbs and nouns do not necessarily constitute absolutely discrete grammatical categories but,rather, manifest a certain degree of continuum or fuzziness. Finally, section 5 summarizesthe main contents and conclusions of the paper and suggest some topics for future study. |