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The Substitute Usage of Te-clauses and TheirAppearance and Disappearance─ A Longitudinal Case Study on a Taiwanese Learner of JFL ─
作者 菊川秀夫
在台灣人日語學習者的日語使用上,常可看到「?節」出現在本來用法(接續、原因、理由等用法)之外,此即一種「?節之替代用法」。例如條件節或前置表現的代用。本研究主要是透過一位台灣人JFL 學習者追蹤其三年半以來的會話語言資料,加以分析,研究該學習者在從屬節的接續關係習得上「替代用法」之量的變遷。結果可看出以下四點:(1) 並非所有的從屬節皆會發生替代現象。(2) 依從屬節的種類,有些替代現象會在短期內消失,有些卻仍一直持續。(3) 替代性的「?節」會和替代對象從屬節的正用同時期出現,此為習得過程中之一種模式。(4) 除了從屬節以外,替代用法也出現在文末的modality。根據以上的結果,可以得知此「?節」的用法為受到中文「疑似從屬節」之影響,在口語表達上具有保持溝通的一種「安全裝置」功能。
This case study aims to present and discuss the use of Japanese te-clauses observed in thespoken language of Taiwanese learners of JFL. In the Taiwanese learners' JFL spokenlanguage, te-clauses, stemming from the te-forms of verbs, are often used as substitutes forother subordinate clauses, such as conditionals, prefaced-expressions and so on, while Japanesenative speakers would never use them for such purposes. Focusing on the emergence anddisappearance of the te-clauses, I surveyed the speech of a Taiwanese learner, recorded for aperiod of three years and a half. My study has led to the following findings:1) Te-clauses were not used as substitutes for every sort of subordination.2) Depending on the sort of subordination, the period of appearance of the usage wasnot the same.3) The use of substitutes and the correct use of the subordinate clauses which could besubstituted by te-clauses emerged at about the same period.4) Aside from substitutes for subordinate clauses, substitutes for some modality formswere also observed.From these observations I drew the conclusion that the usage of te-clauses was 'a quasisubordination'influenced by the Chinese language, and was used as 'a safety device' in oralcommunication for the learner.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 安慰鼓勵技術方面的研討心理方面的研討說服力consoleencouragetechnical-approachmental-approachpersuasive power
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201007 (35期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 參加「LARP at SCU」受測學生對此活動的回饋研究――透過紮根理論的分析
該期刊-下一篇 參加「LARP at SCU」受測學生對此活動的回饋研究――透過紮根理論的分析




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