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“Concealment of the Offences of Kin”, Justice and the Moral Dilemma in Confucian Ethics
作者 王慶節
“Concealment of the Offences of Kin” (qin qin xiangyin) is a well-known dilemma of Confucian ethics and justice. I first clarify briefly both ancient and modern discussions on this topic in the history of Chinese thought, and then I suggest a new reading of the word yin in Confucius’s Analects, i.e., not only as “concealment” (yincang), but also as “feeling of a deep pain” (yin tong). Based on this new reading, I argue that in the case of “the kin obligation of concealment between father and son,” the Confucian concept of justice or uprightness (zhi) lies not only in the concealment, but more importantly, in-between the conduct of concealment and the deep moral feeling of pain. This very feeling of the pain shows a typical moral dilemma in Confucian ethics and this dilemma reveals the complexity of Confucian ethics. It indicates that Confucian ethics does not simply aim to be, as many once thought, rules of actions or a practical “manual” of our moral, social, and political activities in everyday life. Rather, by recognizing its own finite nature and limitation in real life practice, Confucian ethics focuses more on moral character building and cultivation. Its effect on real life should be indirect, long-term, and exemplarily formative rather than direct, short-run, and categorically normative.
起訖頁 39-64
關鍵詞 親親相隱隱痛道德兩難孔子道德情感儒家正義觀Concealment of the Offences of Kinpainjusticemoral dilemmaConfucian ethics
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201709 (51期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 得其氣韻之美——陸時雍論李白古體詩的詩學意義
該期刊-下一篇 無用與機心的當代意涵——海德格對莊子思想的闡發




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