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The Strategies of Situational Crime Prevention in Drunk Driving
作者 林書慶
Dinner party is one of the important social cultures in Taiwan society, while wine plays a very important role as a catalyst. However, excessive drinking or improper alcohol consumption may result in considerable personal or social costs. At present, although the government is striving to promote the prevention and control of drunk driving, it's level can be described as diverse and wide. However, severe punishment still can't curb the drunk driving behavior of the citizen effectively in reality, even in the inspection, there are also differences in law enforcement phenomenon. The crime of drunk driving is composed of human being and power vehicle. People are rational animals and have the character of pleasure principle, so to prevent the crime of drunk driving, although human must be the main part, but the behavior of drunk driving is the person with bounded rationality and low self-control after all, that to prevent the low self-control person's crime of drunk driving, it is necessary to proceed from the objective situation. That is, to eliminate the factor of opportunity for human to commit the crime of drunk driving, and put forward the five strategies of action which are based on the strategy of situational crime prevention, including 'Increase the effort of drunk driving', 'Increase the risks of drunk driving', 'Reduce the rewards of drunk driving', 'Reduce provocations of drunk driving' and 'Remove excuses of drunk driving', as well as the specific measures related to the prevention of drunk driving. Finally, we hope to reduce the crime of drunk driving effectively by taking these strategies of action.
起訖頁 29-61
關鍵詞 酒後駕車自我控制情境犯罪預防3E 政策Drunk DrivingSelf-ControlSituational Crime Prevention3E Policies
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201709 (20:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 美國都會地區妨害性自主與竊盜犯罪關聯性之分析
該期刊-下一篇 投射技術在犯罪學之應用:影響物理空間心理感受之研究




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