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An Correlational Analysis Between Burglary Incidents And Sexual Assaults In An American Urban City
作者 楊曙銘林宗鍵
The current study explores the association between sexual assaults and residential burglaries using longitudinal crime data collected from Seattle Police Department. Ecological theories such as social disorganization theory have been applied to explain the spatial distributions of predatory crime like burglary and sexual assaults in urban environment. This study takes one step further to integrate innovative biostatistics to help capture the diversity among different types of crime in social-ecological environment. The findings showed that sexual offenses were highly correlated with the total number of burglaries (r = 0.827), the number of non-residential burglaries (r = 0.860), and the number of residential burglaries (r = 0.767). Similar findings were achieved in the cluster analysis and the mid-1990s seems to be a turning point on crime trends in general. The tree diagram further revealed that the number of aggravated residential burglaries was the major factor underlying the variation of the numbers of sexual offenses in Seattle followed by the numbers of aggravated non-residential burglaries. Potential historical factors during the period were discussed to explain the patterns identified in the paper.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 加重竊盜罪妨害性自主群集分析多變量迴歸樹aggravated larcenysexual offensecluster analysisMultivariate Regression Trees
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201709 (20:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-下一篇 酒後駕車之情境犯罪預防對策




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