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The Prediction of SLM & CAH in the Phonological Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language
作者 洪茂盛
本研究旨在藉由測試台灣大一學生對四個英文母音(/I/, /iy/, /ε/, /ey/)相對感受的困難程度以探討第二語言習得中兩大理論SLM (Speech Learning Model)與CAH (Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis)在外語音韻習得方面之預測能力。研究對象為北台灣一所國立大學之104位大一學生。透過研究者所設計之英文母音聽力測驗來評估受試者對於受測母音之感受能力。俟所有測試成績收集完畢,研究者運用One-way ANOVA統計、分析相關資料。研究結果顯示,受試者對於所受測之四個母音之相對感受困難度為 /I/ > /ε/ = /iy/ = /ey/ (>表示比…更為困難被受試者所感受)。本研究發現並未支持在外語音韻習得之情境中,SLM或CAH兩者其中任何一理論所提出之預測結果。
This study primarily investigated the relative perceptual difficulty of four English vowels (/I/, /iy/, /ε/ and /ey/) for Taiwanese first-year university EFL students and the predictions of two L2 models (i.e. Flege's Speech Learning Model or the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis) in the acquisition of foreign language phonology. A total of 104 freshmen from a single university in northern Taiwan participated in this study. Their accuracy in recognizing the tested vowels was evaluated by a listening identification test developed by the researcher. After all the students' test scores were collected, a one-way ANOVA was administered to analyze the data. The statistical results of the study showed that the relative perceptual difficulty of the four vowels for the participants was /I/ > /ε/ = /iy/ = /ey/ (> means more difficult than), and this finding did not support the predictions of either the SLM or the CAH.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 感受母音外語音韻Speech Learning Model (SLM)Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH)perceptionvowelsforeign language phonology
刊名 華岡英語期刊  
期數 201204 (18:1期)
出版單位 中國文化大學英國語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 透過網路教學教授臺灣學童發音規則:探討學生之字母拼讀表現、學習態度與教師角色




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