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An Optimal Crash Protection Design for Mobile Phone Based on Overload Analysis
作者 黃允成謝雅惠詹士葦
近年來3C 產品已成為生活上不可或缺的一部分,人們對3C 產品的規格與安全性要求也越來越高,各家業者無不絞盡腦汁研發適合不同客群的商品。3C 產品是一種高科技高風險的產品,需要不斷的研發創新,才能持續保有競爭優勢。本研究應用超負載分析方法在手機安全防護設計上,並以撞擊邊角的最壞情況進行測試,且探討若使用保護套是否會更好,再根據不同的安全防護設計規格與需求函數,決定其最適售價,再根據不同售價、需求量、製造及維修成本,建構總期望利潤函數,且經由最佳化分析技術,找出最適之安全防護設計規格,以達總期望利潤最大化之目標。
In recent years, consumer electronics products have become indispensablein our lives. People require suitable and safe electronic products.Each electronics products producer has racked their brains in research anddevelopment to create more reliable and user-friendly products for differentcustomer groups. The electronics industries belong to high-tech and highriskindustries. In order to sustain their competitive advantage, the manufacturerneeds to keep up the research and innovation intensively. In thisstudy, we applied the overload analysis method in the safety design ofconsumer electronics products, and the worst-case crash tests were taken tocollect data according to the different safety design and demand function todetermine the optimal selling price. Depending on selling price, demandfunction, testing results, and the costs of manufacturing and maintenancewe constructed the total expected profit function, and via the optimizationnumerical analysis techniques to search for the optimal safety design thatachieved the maximization of total expected profit.
起訖頁 287-305
關鍵詞 超負載分析撞擊測試安全防護設計overload analysiscrash testssafety design
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201612 (31:4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 Kinect 體感訓練的體適能及視覺疲勞之研究:不同顯示技術、性別與訓練難易度的影響
該期刊-下一篇 Evaluation of Virtual Reality Presentation in User Testing Procedure for Product Usability of a Conceptual Design




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