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Dai Zhen’s System of Scholarly Thought Established in “Approaching the Dao through Exegesis”: A Discussion on Empirically-Oriented New Hermeneutics
作者 張麗珠
Dai Zhen is the representative of scholarly achievement during the Qian-Jia Period (the period between Qing Dynasty Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing). The system of exegesis methodology he established is a remarkable accomplishment. He also culminated the methodology of New Hermeneutics of his time. However, most previous studies on Dai Zhen focus either on his exegesis and documentary analysis or on his New Hermeneutics; few have combined both aspects. This study uses Dai Zhen’s “Approaching the Dao through Exegesis” methodology to integrate his Classics studies and philosophical system. This investigation focuses on how, on the basis of precision exegesis, he established his New Hermeneutics system, which is different from the Neo-Confucian formula. This article starts with Dai Zhen’s criticism, by means of exegesis and documentary analysis, of the Song Dynasty Confucian studies of the Classics. This article then moves on to discuss his New Hermeneutics, which is constructed on the basis of his “non-metaphysical” theory with an emphasis on moral creativeness. The content of this article encompasses Dai Zhen’s re-evaluation of traditional moral doctrines, his methodology of “Approaching the Dao through Exegesis,” which combines Classics and philosophical systems, and his New Hermeneutics. The last aspect includes the theory about internal oneness of li (reason) and qi (force), such as “unified li and qi” and “non-divisiveness of xing (form) and shen (spirit)”. It also includes the theory of natural humanity-virtue, intellect, and sentiment; the theory of cultivation-proceeding from “honoring virtue” to “honoring sentiment” and “honoring intellect”; the theory claiming that “virtue is invested in intellect,” which in fact integrates virtue and intellect; and the theory advocating “to purify sentiment by sentiment,” which integrates nature and sentiment, as well as desire and reason.
起訖頁 157-193
關鍵詞 由詞通道非形上學理氣合一以學養智以情絜情Approaching the Dao through exegesisnon-metaphysical theoryunified li and qicultivating intellect by studyto purify sentiment by sentiment
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201007 (22期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從遺民到隱逸:道家思想溯源──兼論孔子的身分認同
該期刊-下一篇 浙中王門季本思想舊說釐正




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