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Writing with Graceful Charm on Innocence: From Chen Xianzhang to Wang Fuzhi
作者 黃莘瑜
Chen Xianzhang’s poetics were discussed in the poetic community throughout the period from the early Ming dynasty to the Ming-Qing transition. Although Zhan Ruoshui 湛若水was proud to style himself as a direct student of Chen, the distance between his interpretations and Chen’s poems and poetics must be addressed. A contemporary of Zhan, Yang Shen 楊慎, interpreted Chen’s poetics in terms of the ideas of the Neo-Confucian School of Mind, and deviated from the proper recognition of Chen’s “beauty in ancient poetry.” Later, Wang Fuzhi 王夫之 not only wrote a large number of poems in response to Chen’s, but also proposed a poetic lineage of “writing with graceful charm on innocence.” This article’s approach is to understand the intellectual context and identify cultural principles, while referencing the path of lyrical discourse. Taking as its starting point Wang Fuzhi’s creative interpretation of Chen Xiangzhang’s poetics, this article tries to cut across boundaries of school to present a view of Chen’s poetics that mingles “mentality” in his writing with his assertions regarding “style,” while also indirectly dealing with questions raised in contemporary academic circles.
起訖頁 261-286
關鍵詞 陳獻章湛若水楊慎王夫之抒情傳統Chen Xianzhang 陳獻章Zhan Ruoshui 湛若水Yang Shen 楊慎Wang Fuzhi 王夫之lyric tradition
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201706 (35:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 理解天命——文天祥的命運觀與術數知識




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