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An Analysis of Shishuo Xinyu’s Discourses
作者 劉承慧
The present study analyzes the grammatical and rhetorical characteristics of Shishuo xinyu (世說新語 A New Account of Tales of the World). Dating from the period after the separation of the literary Chinese and vernacular traditions, Shishuo xinyu incorporates elements of both. It is generally acknowledged as the earliest collection of biographical anecdotes in the history of Chinese literature, and is regarded as surpassing the traditional historical biography. It preserves traces of the shift from pre-Qin Chinese to Medieval Chinese, while also providing evidence of the impact Sanskrit had on the grammar of Medieval Chinese. This study analyzes the literary and vernacular components of Shishuo xinyu’s discourses, investigates the predominant clause complex model and the thinking behind it, and provides evidence of how a specific Sanskrit grammatical feature found in Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures was carried over into Chinese narrative discourses. Finally, by comparing Shishuo xinyu with discourses from the Zuozhuan 左傳, this study demonstrates several rhetorical innovations in the former’s narrative and descriptive techniques. This research demonstrates the vital role of discourse analysis in Chinese linguistic and literary history research.
起訖頁 207-224
關鍵詞 世說新語漢語語法文篇分析白話翻譯修辭Shishuo xinyu 世說新語Chinese grammardiscourse analysisvernacular Chinesetranslationrhetorics
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201706 (35:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 英國漢學家韋利與《詩經》詮釋的變異
該期刊-下一篇 理解天命——文天祥的命運觀與術數知識




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