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The Development and Application of Learning Portfolio
作者 曾憲雄 (Shian-Shyong Tseng)辛文義賴忠勤陳士農蔡素娥傅俊淇
提供以讀者為中心的虛實整合服務模式,串聯讀者跨虛實應用服務之間的歷程紀錄,並可隨著個人的成長而終身累積的閱讀歷程是提升學習效率的好方法。歷程所記錄之資料包含:個人資訊、閱讀行為、閱讀喜好、閱讀心得、閱讀同好、互動資訊等,可供後續的資料分析,作為推薦系統的資料基礎,也能作為圖書館的館藏、策展的分析參考。本文介紹基於Mahara 的閱讀履歷系統之開發經驗與跨平台之行動雲端加值應用服務,此系統未來可結合各館所一起推廣運用,打破時空限制,便於民眾隨時隨地取得所需學習資源,累積自我學習能力並提升學習效率。未來將進一步建構以個人為中心的跨館所學習履歷與個人化推薦服務,適性適時提供推薦書籍服務以改善館所的服務品質。
Providing reader-centred virtual-physical integration services to link and accumulate the reader’s learning portfolios across different virtual learning platforms is a good way to improve learning efficiency. The portfolio including personal profile, reading behavior, reading preference, reading experiences, reading partners, and the interaction logs can be used for subsequent data analysis, as the basis for reading recommendation systems, and can also be used as a library collection, curatorial analysis of reference. This article describes the development of a reading portfolio system based on Mahara platform and introduces its application under cross-platform cloud services. Besides, this system can be combined with the other library systems, breaking the limit of space and time. Therefore, people can get the required learning resources anytime, anywhere to enhance self-learning ability and improve learning efficiency. In the future, we will further build personalized cross-library learning portfolio with a personalized recommendation service to provide personalized services and to improve library service quality.
起訖頁 109-134
關鍵詞 學習履歷電子書閱讀履歷系統圖書推薦雲端個人書房learning portfolioE-bookreading portfolio systembook recommendationcloud-based personal bookcase
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201712 (2017:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 兒童圖書館智慧化導航及視覺化介面之建置
該期刊-下一篇 穿越經典——圖書館以虛擬實境推廣閱讀之個案研究




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