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Jeon Woo (Ganjae) on the Four Buddings and Seven Feelings
作者 李明輝
The debate over the “four buddings” and “seven feelings” is the most important intellectual dispute in the history of Korean Confucianism. It lasted for over five hundred years. The main points of contention involved in this debate are contained in the arguments advanced by Yi Toegye 李退溪 and Yi Yulgok 李栗谷. As a follower of Yi Yulgok, Jeon Woo 田愚 adhered to Yi Yulgok's interpretation of the “four buddings” and “seven feelings” and criticized Yi Toegye's interpretation of these issues. Jeon Woo, like Yi Yulgok, insisted on: 1) the non-activity of li 理; 2) the homogeneity of the “four buddings” and “seven feelings”; and 3) the thesis that “qi 氣 issues and li directs it”. For this reason, Jeon Woo put forward the thesis that “li is dominant and qi is submissive”, instead of Yi Toegye's thesis that “li issues and qi follows it”. In addition, Jeon Woo asserted that Yi Toegye had changed his position regarding the problem of the “four buddings” and “seven feelings” in his later years, with a view to reconciling the theoretical differences between the positions of Yi Toegye and Yi Yulgok. However, this assertion cannot be philologically or theoretically justified.
起訖頁 85-99
關鍵詞 田愚朱熹李退溪李栗谷四端七情Jeon WooYi ToegyeYi Yulgokfour buddings and seven feelings
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201703 (50期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 宗密《圓覺經大疏》的釋經策略及其心性本體論的詮釋學轉向
該期刊-下一篇 季本《春秋私考》研究──以對《左傳》的批評為核心




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