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The West as a Performing Site for Asian History: On the Representation of History, Ritual Performance, and Imagistic Theatre in Forgiveness
作者 林雯玲
Co-commissioned by six organizations in America and Europe, Forgiveness, a music-dance centered theatrical work, premiered in America in 2000, after a three year, international collaboration among well-known artists from China, Korea, Japan and America. This ritual-like performance, one of the few productions in the world with genocide as its subject, calls for healing and reconciliation, and explores the possibilities of breaking the destructive cycle of hatred emanating from the past. It also attempts to call the attention of Western audiences to the lesser known history of the Pacific War, especially Japan’s exploitation of comfort women and its aggression in China. Groundbreaking and challenging in its theme, Forgiveness is also innovative in its form by incorporating several traditional Chinese and Japanese musical instruments and by drawing on Asian performing traditions, such as Peking opera, Japanese noh theatre, Korean salpuri dance and chungak singing, as well as American hip-pop and western singing. This production serves as a valuable case for intellectual and artistic inquiries into the ways that performance attempts to represent the genocidal violence of war history, to heal wounds and reconcile. This article does not explore how different performing traditions worked together; rather, it focuses on the representation of history and ritual performance, with an emphasis on how international collaboration, the contested memories of the performers, and the West as a performing site influenced the form and the strategies of representation, making Forgiveness a metaphoric-imagistic theatre with little narrative. What are some of its aesthetic and ethical problems? Finally, this article examines why Forgiveness failed to speak of forgiveness, by discussing some other dramatic performances calling for peace, on stages throughout the world, that to a certain degree have achieved this goal.
起訖頁 195-225
關鍵詞 種族屠殺意象式劇場儀式搬演歷史再現陳士爭genocideimagistic theatreritual performancehistorical representationChen Shi-Zheng
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201307 (12期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 戲中戲、影中影:艾爾.帕西諾的《尋找理查》後設莎片實驗




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