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Contending with Displacement–Two Forms of Retirement in Wang Jiusi’s Songs and Drama
作者 陳靝沅
After his official career imploded, Wang Jiusi (1468-1551) participated actively in qu writing and later became one of the major qu writers in the mid Ming. Focusing on his qu writings, including both sanqu and drama, this paper explores how Wang Jiusi coped with his displacement from the political and cultural center through his literary pursuits. Retirement is a major theme in Wang Jiusi’s qu writings. Wang’s representation of retirement shows distinct characteristics from the Yuan and Ming sanqu and drama on the same theme. Furthermore, his sanqu and drama also depict two different forms of retirement respectively. In his sanqu, Wang celebrated the joy of retirement, but he could only do so in the capacity of a dismissed official. The triumph of the world of withdrawal and retirement over the world of chaos and power politics is only achieved after Wang had already been rejected from his official career. In his drama Gujiu youchun, by contrast, instead of being dismissed, Du Fu was promoted to the post of Hanlin Academician. In the fictional world of the drama, Du Fu eventually chooses to retire, a power that neither he nor Wang Jiusi enjoyed in reality. The fictional form of drama has situated the protagonist and the author in a more powerful and subversive position with full control of their own destinies, and has created a more fully ideal path to retirement.
起訖頁 49-74
關鍵詞 王九思明中葉散曲戲曲歸隱Wang Jiusimid Mingsanqu dramaretirement
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 200901 (3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 體系與視野:五十年來(1949-2002)臺灣學者對傳統戲曲學的建構
該期刊-下一篇 從隱藏的秩序論述崑劇〈下山〉〈掃秦〉




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