英文摘要 |
This study traces the process of production from screenplay to subtitle of the film“Seediq Bale.” With the supplement of screenplays in Chinese and in Seediq Tgdaya, thisstudy compares and contrasts the Chinese and English subtitles in the context of globalaudio-visual exchanges in order to consider the issue of minority cultures and languages.There are several unique features that should be noted about “Seediq Bale.”First of all, source language differs from source culture. Secondly, the translationfrom Chinese to English subtitle is horizontal rather than diagonal. Furthermore, therehave been several stages of domestication in the process of adaptation or translationfrom Chinese script to Chinese subtitle to English subtitle. The earlier stage of this processis sinicization oriented, with some phrases from the previous Japanese colonizersput into the mouth of the Seediq aboriginals. During the later stage, the English subtitletranslation mostly continues the earlier sinicization, meanwhile also strives to providea transparent and fluent text for the target audience. Some of the cultural-bound termsimplicit in or differing from the source culture are clarified or rectified, but the target-oriented nature of subtitle also brought about substitutions or paraphrases reinforcingdramatic conflict but that are inconsistent with the existing historical literature orfilm characterization. In sum, the above observations reveal the crisis of representationethnic minorities may face under the commercial, cultural and linguistic hegemony inthe context of global audio-visual exchange. |