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An Alternative Manga Perspective for Children’s’ Education: Exploring the Manga Feeling Theory
作者 陳仲翰陳仲偉
The Manga is the text that generally exists in everyday life in Taiwan. For a long time, it is alsoa forbidden and controlled text in the edge. The condition is similar to the constructed and treatedwith children in Taiwan. This paper investigates the complexity and mulit-dimensionality, and therelation of children and Manga to analyze the edge construction in them. In Taiwan we mostlyattach Manga. Firstly, the paper investigates views on Manga in Japan. And secondly, it discussesthe reactions and perspectives on reading and understanding Manga, and finds it expresses adult'sdepression and control attitudes on Manga and children. So they are difficultly to see a kind ofpossibility in Manga on the children education. Based above-mentioned analysis, the paper putsforward the new perspective on understanding the relationships between Mange and children: Thetheory of Manga feeling. It states Manga is not a educated reading materials, but declares to readManga is a that the children think freely, even a starting point to reading and understanding theirlifeworld.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 兒童教育漫畫漫畫感受論children’s educationMangathe theory of Manga feeling
刊名 庶民文化研究  
期數 200909 (1期)
出版單位 逢甲大學人文社會學院庶民文化研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 日常生活與台灣漫畫文化產業發展機制探索
該期刊-下一篇 日本漫畫的產業規模與對庶民生活的影響




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