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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Ethical Thinking of the Rite of 'Duke Yin' in Zuozhuan
作者 謝君直
《春秋左氏傳》做為傳統經典與史書,其學術地位無庸置疑。值得留意的是,近代國學大師劉師培在《羣經大義相通論》中將《左傳》的史料敘述與先秦諸子聯繫,指引研究者可以考察《左傳》的記載來探討先秦儒學。面對《左傳》大量敘述「禮」的文獻以及春秋是一「禮」的時代背景下, 本文藉由歷史思想的實踐進路的研究方法, 依《左傳》文獻所述「禮」的相關脈絡,論述《左傳‧隱公》所蘊含的倫理思想,分析隱公元年、三年、五年、七年、十一年等六則文獻,論證儒學與禮思想的理論關係。結論則從孔子思想的歷史意識,結語《左傳》史文所述「禮」之義理可使吾人再思先秦儒學在歷史中的意義。
Zuozhuan of Chunqiu is great historical classic, which has high position of scholarship. And Shi-Pei Liu's perspective that wrote in essays on Classics is intercommunicating is worthy of note ⎯ the thought of philosophers of pre-Qin dynasty could connect with the historical date of Zuozhuan. Liu's perspective point out to scholars that study pre-Qin Confucianism based on the date of Zuozhuan. According to the context of Rite of Zuozhuan, my thesis analyze six texts of 'Duke Yin' first year, third year, fifth year, seventh year and eleventh year; I justify the theoretical relation of Confucianism and ritual by study method of historical thinking that about practical thought. My conclusion confirm that the thinking of ritual of Zuozhuan conducting the historical meaning of pre-Qin Confucianism because of Confucius' consciousness to history.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 春秋左傳儒學禮學歷史意識ChunqiuZuozhuanConfucianismPhilosophy of RitesConsciousness of History
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 201706 (58期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-下一篇 王船山與王陽明工夫論比較




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