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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Preliminary Exploration on Geographical Aesthetics with the Sense of Being of the Spatial Experience
作者 蔡怡玟
以地理學而言,景觀 (landscape) 富涵著主、客體融合、交會與審視等多種意涵。因此,地理美學 (Geographical Aesthetics) 應亦屬於一種人居處於大地或空間間的凝視、回眸和有關於主、客體間回繞等感受性等的問題。因為人居處於世中,我們不難想見對於所「見」、所「看」有「置身」於世的想像、存有、操煩與掛念。而如此之想像、操煩與掛念,回到人文主義地理學(Humanistic Geography) 所主張之「存在空間」(existential space),似乎又可顯見其主--客體間意向性之所在等問題。因此,「空間經驗」應可說是一種我們常以感念、遐想甚或是想像來回應於世的可能狀態。而此種狀態又與海德格(Martin Heidegger)所云之原初狀態相當,也就是說我們常以感念、遐想甚或是想像來想像自我「自身/置身」之「所在」。也因此,本文嘗試藉由文學作品和美術作品來詮釋及探討此一人文主義地理學所著重闡釋之「存在空間」,同時並藉由此一探討,再進一步地深入探究吾等所置身此一大地或空間間的一種操煩、掛念與想像。再者,如此探究亦是希冀可以為地方研究及地理美學的探問帶來新的可能與發展。
From the perspective of Geography, the word of “landscape” goes with a variety of meanings and values. The existential space, an essential discourse of Humanistic Geography, reveals our way of being through the discussion of subject-object intentionality, which can be understood as “being-in-the-world” asserted by Martin Heidegger. Geographical aesthetics is the way to represent people gazing the world and to return the thinking or thought to the subjectobject questions on. As to be the man, being-in-the-world, makes us involve much concerns and cares about what or who we are and where we are belong to or being situated in. Therefore, in this paper I try to apply the concept of Geographical Aesthetics to interpret the subject-object intentionality through the literature and art works. In advance, I plan to build up the connection between existential space and geographical aesthetics with the aesthetics experience to explore out the ideology of Geographical Aesthetics. At last, the so-called “man-land relationship” will also be discussed further in this paper in order to broaden my research of Geographical Aesthetics and the place research.
起訖頁 103-172
關鍵詞 人文主義地理學存在空間地理美學空間經驗存在我Humanistic GeographyExistential SpaceGeographical AestheticsSpatial ExperienceSense of Being
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 201612 (57期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-上一篇 論唐君毅先生對早期墨家思想的詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 為何儒者並不老邁、嚴肅和保守?──一個哲學的反省




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