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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Hiding Wisdom and Realizing of Innate Knowledge — Reinterpretating Ji Ben's Doctrine of Innate Knowledge
作者 朱湘鈺
陰陽五行說起源甚早,流傳亦廣。先秦時代以鄒衍(305-240 B.C.)為代表的陰陽家最著,至漢儒則從陰陽五行的脈絡來詮解儒家內在主體性的仁義道德,此說成為漢代思想之基底,後人以此謂「漢代學術是一宇宙論中心的思想」。此思潮並未隨時代學風之遞嬗匿跡,即使到了儒學復甦的宋代,在朱子(1130-1200)文獻中,猶見緒餘,而這股餘波似乎後勁十足,在浙中王門季彭山(1485-1563)的文獻中,也出現了類似的說法,這在以良知為首出的陽明(1472-1529)學中,的確頗為特出。本文擬從深具自然哲學的「智藏說」此視角,窺探彭山如何詮解性德及其格物說,以期揭示其學說為人所忽之意義。
The origin of yin yang doctrine is very early and its influence has been extensive. Tsou Yen (305-240 B.C.) is often mentioned as the representative thinker of the yin yang school in the Shih chi. Most scholars have suggested that cosmology was a subject in Han Dynasty, because philosophers's in Han emphasis were on the concepts of yin yang and the Five Agents (i.e. Elements) , even they interpreted human nature that is originally good in Confucianism. The theory of the yin yang developed along all dynasties, including Neo-Confucian, ex. Chu- Hsi. Likewise, the yin yang theory has also appeared in Ji Ben's literature, who was a thinker of Wang Yang-ming school. This essay on these signigicant impacts in Ji Ben's doctrines, especially focus on his human nature and the practice of investigating things, should be interpreted his thought more clear than past.
起訖頁 63-98
關鍵詞 季本浙中王門格物智藏陽明學Ji BenThe Wang school of Zhe-zhongThe Practice of Investigating ThingsHiding WisdomWang Yangming's Teaching
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 201312 (51期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-上一篇 徐復觀論《易》析論
該期刊-下一篇 從文獻學的角度考察敖繼公《儀禮集說》與朱熹禮學的關係




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