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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

希臘悲劇中的ethos和蘇格拉底的logon didonai之間的衝突
On the Conflict between the Ethos in the Greek Tragedy and Socrates' 'logon didonai'
作者 彭文林
In this paper I tried to expose the doctrines of the Greek tragedy by Aristotle, Plato and F. Nietzsche and analyzed their main opinions which are variously differentiated and conflicted. First of all, I selected Aristotle's Poetics as the principle and the beginning of this paper, because he offers a basic study of the elements of the Greek tragedy which are essential for us to understand what the tragedy is and in which sense it is (surely not in the sense of Chinese tragedy). Secondly, I chose Plato's Republic as the antagonist against the tragic poets and interpreted some texts there. Plato tried to criticize the ethos in the tragedy with a presupposition. It is namely this: the ethos in the tragedy ought to be identified with the science of the Good. If not so, the poets would escape from his Utopia. Then I picked up Nietzsche's The birth of Tragedy as the end station of my investigation where Nietzsche tried to overcome the Socratic optimism. Nietzsche's critic on Socrates can be interpreted very logically as I have shown in the third part of this paper. But what is the meaning of this overcome? As I compare it with Kant's dilemma of 'phenomenon and noumenon' and 'thing for us and thing itself', I should not find any way out of this dilemma. It's concluded that the theoretical dilemma can not be solved by a practical escape and should be faced by a real philosopher.
起訖頁 145-171
關鍵詞 希臘悲劇蘇格拉底柏拉圖亞理斯多德尼采風俗倫理給理由理想國詩學悲劇的誕生Greek TragedySocratesPlatoAristotleNietzscheEthoslogon didonaithe Republicthe PoeticsThe Birth of Tragedy
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 200912 (43期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-上一篇 焦循孟子學初探
該期刊-下一篇 從胡塞爾現象學中「知覺意識」與「想像意識」二者間之互為奠基問題來看「知識」如何能被建立




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