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Determinants of Homeownership Rates by Panel Data Analysis
作者 彭建文蔡怡純
以往文獻鮮少從總體面探討不同地區的住宅自有率差異,且大多屬於不同的州、區域或 國家等較大空間範圍的討論,本文以1982-2007年台灣22個縣市的資料,透過縱橫資料分析法 探討不同縣市的住宅自有率差異。從固定效果模型的實證結果發現,房價所得比、遷徙率以 及有偶率對於住宅自有率均有顯著的負向影響,且遷徙率是影響住宅自有率最主要的因素, 有偶率與房價所得比的影響相對較小。此外,各縣市住宅自有率明顯受到其地區特性的影響, 都市化程度較高與東部縣市的住宅自有率顯著較低,且住宅自有率有明顯的時間趨勢,可能 是受房地產景氣的影響,但房地產景氣波動對於住宅自有率的影響基本上為正向,僅有幅度 大小的差異。
Although many studies have identified the determinants of individual housing choice, few studies have discussed differences in homeownership rates in different areas. This study uses panel data analysis to identify the determinants of homeownership rates across 22 cities and counties in Taiwan during 1982–2007. Empirical results reveal that the ratio of house price to income, mobility rate, and share of married couples had significant negative effects on homeownership rates. However, mobility rate was the most important factor to overall homeownership rates. Furthermore, coefficients of individual effects were almost significant at the 1% level. Homeownership rates in highly urbanized cities and eastern cities were low. The coefficients of period effects were also almost significant at the 1% level, and their influences on homeownership rates were positive with small differences in degree.
起訖頁 433-454
關鍵詞 住宅自有率住宅租買選擇縱橫資料分析法Homeownership ratesTenure choicePanel data analysis
刊名 都市與計劃  
期數 201012 (37:4期)
出版單位 中華民國都市計劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 都市與非都市計畫區社區居民參與環境改造行為模式之比較研究--以台灣南部為例
該期刊-下一篇 以賽局觀點探討私有土地參與捷運場站開發制度之研究




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