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Comparison of Community Resident Participation in Environmental Improvement Projects between an Urban Planning District and Non-urban Planning District—A Case Study of Southern Taiwan
作者 郭彰仁 (Chang-Jen Kuo)郭瑞坤侯錦雄 (Jing-Shoung Hou)林建堯.
城市與鄉村環境的問題是地區發展時一項重要的議題。檢視過去民眾參與環境改造的案 例,發現,這是地區發展相關工作中最容易看到成效的,同時也看到城市與鄉村的不同。在講 求效率與政府經費逐年縮減的狀況下,推動社區居民自發的參與環境改造可以讓社區環境永續 經營,並間接促進地區的發展。有關社區居民參與環境改造工作,除了表現出對社區環境的關 懷,也可能與其對環境的責任感、環境知識技能、自主控制等有關。因此本研究以社區居民為 研究對象,由相關理論建構社區居民參與環境改造的行為模式,並檢驗此模式之配適度;並進 一步探討影響社區居民參與環境改造行為的影響因素,並瞭解各因素之間的因果關係。本研究 以問卷調查法進行資料收集,以SEM(結構方程模式)為分析工具,並選取過去曾參與營建 署「營造都市社區新風貌計畫」及農委會「營造農村新風貌計畫」之社區中的成員為研究標的, 共計獲得有效問卷616份。並依「都市計畫區內社區」與「非都市計畫區內社區」,分別進行 模式的建構與城鄉差異性檢定。本研究實證結果驗證了社區居民參與環境改造「行為」顯著受 到「主觀規範」、「參與態度」、「行為控制知覺」、「社區意識」、「環境行動知識」、「自 我效能」、「環境道德感」、「參與行為傾向」影響;同時城鄉社區居民在模式上有部分差異 性。研究結果亦針對後續執行城鄉風貌計畫提出建議。
Urban and rural physical environments are important factors in local development. Generally, the most effective community development encourages people to participate in projects that improve the environment. For instance, literature indicated that the individual is the most important factor in environmental improvement projects. Thus, people who participate in community affairs often perform better during community improvement projects than those who do not participate in community affairs. Based on an efficient society with government downsizing, inducing community residents to participate in environmental improvement projects would help achieve environmental sustainability, indirectly leading to sustainable local development. Community responsibility, knowledge of environmental projects, and self-control ability may be correlated with community resident participation in environmental improvement projects. This study explores the relationships among sense of community, knowledge of environmental projects, moral environmental obligation, and participating in environmental improvement projects, and integrates theories for testing the proposed community participation behavior model. This study surveyed community residents who have participated in an urban community landscape restoration project supported by Taiwan’s Construction and Planning Agency, and a rural community landscape restoration project funded by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau. In total, 616 community residents filled out a questionnaire. Respondents were grouped into an urban planning district group and non-urban planning district group. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was then applied to test the conceptual model.
Analytical findings indicate that resident “subjective norm,” “attitude,” “perceived behavioral control,” “sense of community,” “self-efficacy,” “knowledge of environmental projects,” and “moral environmental obligation” significantly impact resident “behavioral intention” and “to participate in environmental improvement projects”. These findings also show that conceptual models for community residents differ.
起訖頁 393-431
關鍵詞 社區意識營造都市社區新風貌計畫營造農村新風貌計畫計劃行為理論負責任 的環境行為模式結構方程模式環境道德感環境行動知識社會認知論Sense of communityUrban community landscape restoration projectRural community landscape restoration projectTheory of planned behaviorResponsible environmental behaviorStructural equation modelingMoral environmental obligationKnowledge of environmental projectsSocial cognitive theory
刊名 都市與計劃  
期數 201012 (37:4期)
出版單位 中華民國都市計劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 不同縣市住宅自有率差異分析--縱橫資料分析法之應用




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