中文摘要 |
科技創新與研究發展為先進國家維持其國際地位、經濟繁榮與改善人民生活的重要政策。而高科技產業由於具備高附加價值、高研發技術水準等特性,為促進經濟發展、創造就業、提高生產力之良劑(Hall,1987; Thompson, 1989),發展高科技產業更被視為促進科技創新與鼓勵研究發展之關鍵;從整體國家至區域、地方,無不競相發展高科技產業,以維繫經濟發展之優勢地位。本文以產業區位理論及區域發展理論為基礎,配合文獻評析,探討科技廠商、高科技產業與區域發展現象及模式,做為未來區域產業政策制定之參考,同時亦說明政府在產業區位決定所佔有之重要性與主導性,及研發資源投入為高科技產業落實於區域發展之重要基礎。 |
英文摘要 |
In order to enhance growth and prosperity, high-technology and innovation have emerged as a important factor for many sectoral aims. Under this trend, the advanced countries are forced to adjust their economic strategies and industrial policies to promote competetional strength. According to the previous statement, this paper with emperical studies and previous researches, based on theories about industrial location and regional structure, is to discuss the relationships among high-tech firms, high-tech industries, and regional development. It concluds that government plays a critical and subjective role in regional industrial location, and well-developed science and technology research infrastructure as science park do increase the region's advantage. |