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The powerful clan in Nanzhong in Han and Jin Dynasty
作者 黃學文
The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the developing process of powerful clan in Nanzhong in Han and Jin Dynasty. The origin, formation and development of the powerful clan in Nanzhong can be realized from the viewpoint of regional space and historical environment. Thereby it makes a complete description of the powerful clan in Nanzhong, which was located in the frontier in Han and Jin Dynasty. Begining with the environmental situation of Nanzhong, this essay attempts to find the natural and traffic elements around Nanzhong, and the political and historical transition in order to interpret the living space and background of powerful clan in Nanzhong in Han and Jin Dynasty. Mean while, by observing the composition of powerful clans in Nanzhong, it can be find out the reason of the formation. Besides, the different characteristics between the central plains in China and the frontier (Nanzhong), and the prosperity can be seen through the development of the powerful clan in Han and Jin Dynasty. Finally, the powerful clan in Nanzhong is composed by many powerful clans, but not only single surname. However, the historical data is finite and restricted. Therefore, "the four surnames" and "surname Huo" in Nanzhong are taken as the main subject.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 漢晉時期南中地區大姓四姓霍氏Han and Jin DynastyNanzhongPowerful clanFour surnamesHuo
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201412 (2期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-下一篇 太子劉劭創「儲君」篡弒君父之首例




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