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Nationalist Government’s Information Gathering on Japan’s Activities towards China: A Case Study on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Wang Ching-wei
作者 陳群元
This paper focuses on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nationalist Government's information gathering on Japan's activities towards China between 1933 and 1935 when Wang Ching-wei was the Foreign Minister. Since Wang was in charge of Sino-Japanese diplomacy and had made the Foreign Ministry the basis of his political influence inside the government, the study of the Foreign Ministry's policymaking on Japan in this period is helpful to improve our understanding of Wang's diplomacy towards Japan. In accordance with statistics and other sources, the Foreign Ministry had used multiple channels to gather such kind of information. Alongside direct contact with the Japanese side, information was mainly collected from the Chinese authorities on various levels and, in some cases, even from sources outside the Nationalist government. The Nationalist Government's information gathering, in this sense, should be characterized as both multiple and inward-focused. In addition, through the performance of the Foreign Ministry, one can also observe certain aspects of the whole government's activities in terms of gathering information on Japan's operations in China. While coming from different sources, by scrutinizing what had been collected, one could find that most information contained temporary substances without thorough studies. Solid observations on the overall situation in Japan were also missing. In conclusion, there was in fact plenty of room for improvement in the Foreign Ministry's efforts to collect information on Japan's operations in China as well as in the Ministry's substantive understanding of Japan during this period.
起訖頁 119-145
關鍵詞 汪兆銘汪精衛唐有壬須磨彌吉郎有吉明國民政府外交部外務省中日關係Wang Ching-weiTang Yu-jenSuma YakichiroAriyoshi AkiraNationalist governmentMinistry of Foreign AffairsSino-Japanese relations
刊名 史學彙刊  
期數 200812 (22期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 北宋神宗時期募役弓手
該期刊-下一篇 美國舊金山灣區運輸系統初探




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