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Dazai Osamu’ s Fiction-Tiyo—The dualism of monologue
作者 何資宜
Among Dazai’s works of “Woman Monologue”, Tiyo, which was published in June, 1941, has been being regarded as “obscure and hard to understand”, “an unimportant work in ‘Woman Monologues’”. Therefore, it is rarely criticized as an individual work.According to the literature review., Kazuko is a character without self-awareness and easily affected by other’s opinions psychologically. However, it is extremely unusual that Dazai creates such a character without definite view of one’s own. Therefore, focusing on “self-awareness”, this paper analyzes Tiyo relating to the “Movement of Writing for Life” and the trend of “Realistic Writing” at that time.The analysis focuses on Kazuko’s psychology. Reviewing the events took place between her 12 and 18 years old, it seems that Kazuko is a “diffident” person for she always degrades herself. While, in fact, through her recollections, it is not difficult to find out that Kazuko does have a great “self-esteem” for her “talent” hiding in her innermost.Finally, the analysis also links to the event that Dazai missed the chance to win “Akutagawa Prize”. Because of the losing of Akutagawa Prize, Dazai had to change his writing style and follow the trend of that time in order to make for a living. In the letter (1938) to his friend, he wrote in a deep grief that “the lying Dazai, though often makes people think him of, can never live on it (lying)”. Dazai’s suffering on whether he should cater to the trend of realistic writing, just coincides with Kazuk’s oppressed feeling, which came from the oppression of her “creational” talent in order to be a “female writer” at that time.On a glimpse of Tiyo, it seems to tell a story about a “weak-minded literary girl” who is greatly affected by adult’s opinions. While after a careful consideration, it is not difficult to find that it, in fact, is a story about a “genius girl” with “superfluous self-awareness” who almost lost normal mental state for her view is out of the swim.
起訖頁 179-203
關鍵詞 自我意識空想文壇風潮加賀的千代女芥川賞落選問題self-awarenesscreationliterary trend . Kaga No Tiyothe losing of Akutagawa Prize
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 200507 (28期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
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