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The Features and Process of Counseling for Smoking Cessation
作者 李島鳳
This study is designed to understand the counseling process for smoking cessation, andexplore to find out the features and process of quit-smoking counseling. Research data which wascollected by focus-group and individual interviewing was based on qualitative research method.The results of this research are as following: First, the features of quit-smoking counseling are:The counseling goal of quit smoking is clear and definite and attend to short-term counselingstrategy. Counselor will face conflict between dealing with behavior of quit-smoking and core issuerelated quit-smoking. Counselor need to have knowledge about smoking cessation. Telephonecounseling is beneficial for quit-smoking. Quit rate of smoking is important index of counseling.Second, according to different counseling belief of counselors, counseling process is induced tothree types. One is focus on psychological resources of client. Second is to emphasize the ability todecide to quit smoking. The other is to focus to deal with the behavior of smoking.Finally, enhance self-esteem and being responsible to take action to quit smoking are the keyelement of smoking cessation.
起訖頁 77-109
關鍵詞 戒菸諮商改變歷程quit-smoking counselingcounseling processtelephone counseling
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201301 (8期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 親子體能遊戲課程對親子關係的影響




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