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Traditional art and creative: the images of Red turtle cake and the culture of rice cake
作者 古佳峻
The Red turtle cake is usually used for worship in the Minan area and it has a great connectionwith Chinese festivals or weeding and funeral activity. With a red turtle cake for worship, Minanpeople use it to celebrate God’s birthday or thanks god’s welfare. Besides, Minan people will sharethe red turtle cakes with the neighbors if they born a son, because they believe with the cakesharing, they could share the fortune with others. These are all part of the Taiwan cultures in the olddays. However, time changes. The old red turtle sellers decline, and the new generation try to addmore creativities into the red turtle cake, the traditional symbol, and to transfer the disappearingtradition into new life. They create the new products with the turtle-like image to create the wholenew products. This essay is to trace back the traditional art of red turtle cake, discuss the making ofred turtle cakes and study the meanings behind the turtle-like image to face with the connectionamong cultural creation, different products, and teaching. Here, in the opinion of the author, bothinherit and creations are necessary nowadays. In order to break out the stereotype and transfer theimpressions toward the offerings in the temples into symbolic interaction among people, we mustmaintain the traditional spirits to innovate the new things with the economic consideration.
起訖頁 49-86
關鍵詞 紅龜粿糕餅民藝慶典習俗民間信仰民俗學Red turtle ricecakeTaiwan's traditional rice cultureFolk ArtCustom and CeremonyFolk beliefFolklore studies
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201206 (7期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 薑汁製備方式與薑成熟度對其薑醇含量及抗氧化活性之影響評估




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