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The learning needs in life dimension for dual-income families of elementary school teachers of Tainan County
作者 王光宗
According to the redistribution of educational resources, the transformation of working stylesand social values, there are more and more women involve in work for economic independence andsupport the home economics with the spouses. Because of the restriction of time and energy, tolearn some strategies to cope the problems about multiple roles, division of housework, andchildren raising, is more and more important for the members of dual-income families.By literature research, we already know that the dual-income families are superior ateconomics, self-realization, and equal value, but they have to face the disappointment of division ofhousework, the pressure of being parents and workers at the same time. How to fit the needs offamily and individual, communicate efficiently, and adapt the multiple roles, are important issuesfor both of the spouses.The researcher takes the life dimension of dual-income family elementary school teachers atTainan County as examples, and has semi-construction interview to discover the dual-incomecouple’s opinions about division of housework, being parent, communication ways, and learningneeds. The researcher concludes that in the dual-income families, which have limited time and rich resources, the couples who are elementary school teachers can develop strategies such as settingfamily time for communicating, trying to handle the pressure, improving parental efficiency,dividing the housework reasonably, planning leisure activities together, setting consuming rules andfinance project. Beyond respect for each other, they reflect, accept each other, and create ideal lifestyle.Besides, according the analysis of the interview data, the ‘learning family education program’which is promoted by Minister of Education for life-long learning and family education, could begood for dual-income family.
起訖頁 35-61
關鍵詞 雙薪家庭學習需求國小教師double-income familylearning needselementary school teacher
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 200907 (2期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 原住民女性單親的最適合職業媒合模式之研究--以台北市為例
該期刊-下一篇 親子體能遊戲課程中父母運動自我效能之探究




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