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The Study of the best of Occupational Matching for Aboriginal Single Mothers in Taipei City
作者 黃秀香
面對原住民女性單親的雙重弱勢窘境,近年來政府嘗試推動的就業保險制度、職業訓練及就業方案,此一看似優惠的方案,在本研究調查訪問139 位原住民女性單親調查結果則發現,不同於我們過去的刻板印象與現今的原住民就業服務政策,以為原住民單親女性只要有再就業的工作意願、以及工作價值、好的就業安置,便可以提高、增加其就業率、或預測他們可以職業媒合成功率,大幅度地改善原住民女性單親貧窮的問題,而呈現出極大的落差。對此,研究者認為有關於原住民女性單親的職業媒合模式要依據子女年齡、及教育程度兩個因素來做彈性工時、及工作性質的規劃考量。
In recent years the government have tried to push for occupational training, occupationalinsurance, and occupational matching projects to help those women who are facing difficulties fornot only being aboriginals but also single mothers. The government policy makers thought that ifthose aboriginal single mothers value work and are willing to work, the government can improvetheir poverty problems by providing them with occupational training and job opportunities. Theresearcher distributed questionnaires to 139 aboriginal single parents and found that the resultswere different from what the government expected. Based on the finding of this study, the authorsuggested that when providing occupational matching for those aborinal single mothers, we shouldtake into account of their educational level and the age of their children in order to plan for themflexible working hours and more suitable jobs.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 原住民女性單親家長職業媒合Single MotherOccupational Matching
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 200907 (2期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-下一篇 雙薪家庭的學習需求──以台南縣國小教師生活面向為例




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